水鄉周莊 (Water's Hometown)
Who am I?
Hello Everyone, I am CC from Taiwan, my ancestral home is in China Anhui. My major in university is science of computer and society. when I first saw the blockchain tech, I know it can change the world and also our lives!
蘇州 周莊 (Zhouzhuang, Suzhou)
What am I doing now?
I am serving substitute military in Taiwan right now, contributing my service in the Household Registration Office for one year. I would also like to think about my future career during this year.
替代役結訓! (Ending ceremony for substitute military)
My hobbies are?
I am a guy who like traveling and adventures. I am emotional, curious my past and excited about my future. Hope to meet more people here!!
背著十字架的蜥蜴 (My lizard worships Jesus, too...)
與奶奶同遊日本 (Traveling with my grandmother in Japan)
welcome 西西 :)
Thank you!!