Once I install a crypto-currency mobile wallet, then what? ($)

in #life8 years ago

It has come to my attention that some people are having trouble getting ahold of cryptocurrencies like BTS, bitUSD, bitEUR, bitCNY, bitSILVER, etc.

"How do I buy some, or earn some?"

Once you have a Smartcoins Wallet, then you can send, receive and hold multiple cryptocurrencies (see the links at the bottom of this post).

There's a few different ways you can get some coins to spend..

  1. Give someone your receiving address (go to the "Receive" screen that shows your QR code). You can show that QR code to your friend if he's sitting next to you, or you can send that QR code as an image to someone via email, skype, whatsapp, sms, etc.
  2. Ask your employer to pay you part of your paycheck in BTS or bitSILVER.
  3. Work for it. There are many freelance jobs online (I have posted a couple myself). If you are a translator, a marketer, a designer, a programmer, whatever.. Look for [CrowdVoting] jobs on Steemit. More and more companies are starting to see the benefits of paying their workers with digital currencies.
  4. Buy some directly from an online Exchange, for example: OpenLedger.info, Transwiser.com, Compumatrix.co, BitCash, etc

When Deutsche Bank fails...

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws" - Rothschild

Ok, so now here's my conspiracy side coming out:

  • Deutsche Bank is just weeks away from catastrophic failure (see image above).
  • The stock markets are being pumped up to suck in the last of the suckers.
  • It's the end of another US Presidential term.
  • Like a cornered cat, Governments will do whatever they feel is necessary to retain their "power" over us.
  • Mainstream news is bullshit. They want your support for their wars...

Let's render their use of force obsolete. De-fund them.

Those people (and businesses) who are diversifying and getting even a few bucks worth of crypto right now will be the world's saviours once the dust settles. I know that we can do a much better job of creating things of value and promoting love, instead of violence. Cryptocurrencies are a way out of this mess.

Try some Smartcoins...

I @kencode will send 100 BTS to the first 500 Upvoters of this post. Just reply below, I need to know what your Bitshares account name is (you will see it in your Smartcoins Wallet).

Yes, that's right. I will send you FREE MONEY.

I believe that once you try Smartcoins, you will NEVER want to go back to credit cards, paypal, banks, western union or any of those crooks.


If you like the Smartcoins Wallet, please 5-star it. Every click helps :)

also available on Aptoide:

Please Upvote & Share; this 100 BTS can help bring Peace <3



This is the reason I got involved in crypto, because I have zero faith in the system and never have. I didn't trade in stocks, really hold credit cards or believed anything I was told because I was constantly reading about the abuse of the system.

Let's defund the warmongers! I'm still working hard to figure out how I can transfer more activity to the crypto revolution.

I agree completely with you and have been thinking the same way about everything in the past 5 years.

Cryptocurrencies and decentralization will be the main part of the revolution that will make the world a better place in the future.

I think BlockPay and the Smartcoins Wallet will both play a big part in this. Once people start moving their money OUT of the banks and into crypto, we are effectively de-funding their aggression. Thank you prufarchy :)

Since this post I've been trying to find information on iOS smartcoins wallet. Seems like it hasn't been released yet, if you have any info please share here for any other iOS users

Yeah, Apple (don't get me started on Apple) denied our Wallet. I submitted Appeal after Appeal, daily, for over a month. If you jailbreak though, here is the code to build a BitShares Wallet (different than the Smartcoins Wallet:

Dude thanks! Looks like it's time to jailbreak the old iPad then. Or wait til I get home and load up the newly downloaded bitshares that I haven't gotten to play with yet. Either way, I will post here when I figure out my bts screens me

true, but there r other new startups that are look for better and easier and secured way of doing transactionn without interefaring with the traditional financial systems

In my opinion:

The traditional financial systems you mentioned are probably the #1 reason why the world is at war, economies are in shambles and races and religions are at each others throats. They turn us against each other, create a boogeyman, and fund both sides.

Food riots

Until we de-fund them, and fix the way money works, we fix nothing. Decentralized, cryptography-based blockchains are a great start.

The banks are afraid of crypto currencies.
We take the financial system into our hands and therefore they lose their might over us. We are in the earlie stages of what is about to happen. Traditional fiat will be replaced by cryptos and we will get freedom. They might try to hinder us but nothing can stop the power of crypto currencies.

Thank you for sharing my friend. I already start to pay few things with bitcoins and whenever possible I want to get paid with bitcoins

Try the Smartcoins Wallet above, I hope you like it. Once you see how fast and scalable Smartcoins are, you'll be hooked. Once you choose a username in the wallet just let me know what it is so I can send you some money too :)

Is there an iOS version?

You have my vote @kencode! You don't have to send me anything , I get enjoyment out of seeing others help others and spread the love in anyway they can. Thanks for solid post "good energy" in everything you do!

good initiative, but I want to donate my 100 BTS reward to the next participant 8]

Upped you Ken. Will get you a bitshares name here in a moment. :)

friends sorry for the hassle but could help me in this cause gives a Upvote to Venezuela! my country is in a terrible crisis and I am asking for your help to contribute a bit and bring a little happiness to my people https://steemit.com/steem-help/@edbriv/surviving-in-venezuela-community-steemit-there-are-our-hope-help-us-introduceyourself

Tell business owners about BlockPay:

Tell everyone else about the Smartcoins Wallet (see above) PLEASE :)

Those two things will allow the money to flow your way (and de-fund the evil that started this mess). My upvotes aren't worth much yet, but here is one for you anyway. Stay safe.

This is why cryptocurrencies as a whole has been exploding in popularity recently.

They enslave us all through the issuance of money. As long as they control it, they can control everything and everyone. Cryptocurrencies remove that power they have over us, freeing us to trade freely, express our opinions here on the steem blockchain, even de-fund their aggression. Once I tried Smartcoins, I was hooked. There is nothing faster or more scalable than the Bitshares blockchain. Let me know if you try my wallet out, would love to send you some money too :)

Hi @kencode. I am totally new to crypto world. No idea how to purchase or sell ot. Can you please guide me? I wish to purchase bitcoin and steem power but I dunno how to do it. What are all the links you provide above? Am real noob! Helpless!

Why do you want Bitcoin? I moved up to Smartcoins, they're just way faster, way more scalable, accepted at all BlockPay merchants, and the blockchain that runs it all even has a decentralized governance system if you ever want to add new features to it, you just get it voted on by the stakeholders (anyone who owns even 1 Bitshares (BTS)).

I hope you try my Smartcoins Wallet. I'll send you some money just like I mentioned above. Everyone on this thread should try sending a few BTS back and forth to one another so you can see just how easy it is. Then try the other points I mentioned above and you're on your way. This is absolutely the easiest way to de-fund the evil in the world.

Let me know once you install the wallet, I will send you some too! :)

I have installed. pink-lee
Not sure if its correct. Thx
I see bitshares app too, need to install too?

No, the BitShares Wallet is the old one I did.

The new Smartcoins Wallet is much better.
Paid: http://cryptofresh.com/u/kencode Enjoy! :)

Received it with thanks.

@kencode, how to buy BTS? Thanks.

Hi pinklee :)
See numbers 1-4 at the top of this page. There are numerous ways you can get more :)

Thanks for the generosity, some newbies may have more use of the bitdhares than me! But I upvoted some posts in this thread and hope more people share within this community and eachother.

Egad, Ken.

You made it possible for us to reach out the the general public while there is still time to flee to the safety of cryptodom.

Nice work.

Hey thanx Stan :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65144.58
ETH 2627.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83