How do you encourage someone to keep trying?

in #motivation2 years ago

It is not the same thing to defend someone as it is to criticize them. Instead, it requires demonstrating that you understand how they are feeling and offering your own support to them at this difficult time. When a person is in need, they typically do not want assistance right away and do not want to be laughed at or judged for their situation. It's possible that they've already done an evaluation of themselves and don't need your critical feedback anymore. The question now is, how can you show that you are concerned? Keep reading for some pointers on how to come across as supportive when you're trying to encourage someone else.


In contrast to the general practice of praising someone, encouraging words and actions ought to be specific and connected to the student's development or achievement. Generic praise is nice, but individuals respond better to words of encouragement directly from you. When a student is struggling, they have a greater need for encouragement than when they are succeeding. The goal of encouraging a student's conduct is to aid them in being successful. This reinforces the connection you share with them and demonstrates the unwavering admiration you feel for them. However, when a child is having difficulty, the most helpful way to be supportive is to provide assistance directly to the child.

Keep in mind that even when you are supportive, not everyone will always respond positively to it. Some people need to be able to let off steam, while others may be satisfied with simply having someone openly recognize that they care. A supportive environment for teamwork can be developed to a great extent through the use of constructive criticism and a constructive mindset. If you are in the position to offer a coworker some constructive feedback, you should make it a point to highlight their goals whenever it is possible to do so.

It is really important to show support for the mental health of another person. Someone who is struggling with mental illness may feel less isolated and have a more positive outlook if they are given encouragement. If you are unable to attend in person, you may choose to send them an email or letter instead. Your concern and the depth of your caring can be conveyed through the medium of a brief note. Writing something out allows you to be more private in your expression of emotional support. The recipient will have a more positive reaction to this caring gesture, which will motivate them to take action.

Being supportive does not mean that you are obligated to go to great lengths to ensure that your girlfriend is content all of the time. It requires being there for her important events and celebrations. Make it a point to be there for her if she is participating in a competition or a cheerleading squad so that you can motivate and inspire her. This will make her feel good and give her a boost to her self-esteem. However, you should exercise caution when bestowing compliments and only do so when the recipient has demonstrated that they are deserving.


People might look for help, but they don't want to be a burden to others. Because of this, they might decide to turn down the offer, causing them to miss out on potentially life-changing aid as well as the possibility to make a positive difference in the life of another. Alternately, they fret and generate whatever random idea that comes to them at the spur of the moment. They might not have made the best decision possible for themselves given the circumstances they were in. Furthermore, since no one can accurately foresee the outcome, it is prudent to maintain a balanced attitude of optimism and caution.

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