10 Arthritis Home Remedies to Treat This Condition

The word ‘arthritis’ is a combination of the Greek words ‘arthro’ meaning joint and ‘itis’ with the meaning inflammation. Therefore arthritis is a joint disorder affecting the bones and muscles at a joint.

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A joint that has been attacked by arthritis is usually very painful, stiff, and swollen. Arthritis may be so painful at times that it may interfere with the daily routine of activities and restrict movement to a large extent.

Our joints lie within capsules filled with synovial fluid. The bone heads meeting at a joint bear cartilages serve as cushions and enable frictionless movement of bones at the joint.

When cartilages degenerate, friction occurs between bones which may as a result get reduced to spurs or osteophytes. Aging causes natural degeneration of cartilages due to weakening.

Obesity, history of the previous injury, genetic grounds, bone infection, repetitive movements, calcium deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, damp environmental conditions, and stress are other factors causing arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the commonest types of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis occurs due to cartilage degeneration caused by aging of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis affects young aged people and occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly invades joints. Infectious arthritis occurs when infection from other parts of the body spreads to the joint.

Gout is another type that occurs due to the crystallization of uric acid within joints. Joints like the knee, hip, spine, and shoulder easily come within the clutches of arthritis.

Symptoms of Arthritis
Painful joints
Swollen joints
Stiff joints
Redness of the skin around joints
Warmth and tenderness
Deformity at the joint
Weight loss
Swollen lymph nodes.
Home Remedies for Arthritis
Taking 6.50 grams of powdered ginger can help to treat arthritic conditions.
Epsom salt bath can treat well stiff and swollen joints.
Castor oil can serve as an effective rub for joints affected by arthritis.
One may mix 10 grams of camphor into 200 grams of mustard oil, store it in a bottle with a tight cork and keep the mixture in the sun so that the camphor dissolves completely. Massaging the joints with this mixture would be quite beneficial.
Soaking the body in a tub of warm water before going to bed at night would reduce the stiffness of joints and muscles. Sea salt may be added to the water for best results.
Massaging aching joints with hot vinegar can be quite beneficial.
Drinking freshly extracted potato juice diluted with water can treat arthritis well.
Sea bathing is an effective arthritis treatment.
Rubbing ailing joints with chamomile essential oil can yield good results. Chamomile has analgesic properties.
Tight bandages should not be worn over joints because that would thwart the blood circulation and make joints stiffer.
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