No Idea? - NO Wördel!

NO question, NO Wördel will be established in NO community!
While I promise NO long-term installations, I do guarantee a certain regularity - as long as the game remains fun!
Success proves us right: At least two users were impatiently waiting in the queue, hooves pawing in frustration. They were eager to showcase their word acrobatics but couldn’t find an open game slot.
Despite all the drama, we will initially stick to ten words to guess. Of course, I’m happy to increase the number in the future. That depends somewhat on demand and the community’s support...
For now, NO administration wants to demonstrate what Steemit really needs: Engaging content!
Posts that capture attention, posts that make audience come back instead of fading into oblivion right after the vote click.
Wördel is one of them!
We play Wördel according to the succinctly summarised Wordle™ rules.
The implementation of the game as an exclusive Deutsch Unplugged blockchain variant is completely unplugged - i.e. handmade - as follows:
- Five-letter words are being sought. These were determined under notary supervision and sent as an encrypted message to @chriary.
- You grab one word comment (downstairs in the comment section) and guess any five-letter word.
- The referee marks the letters as follows:
- Letter crossed out: Letter NOT present in the searched word.
- Letter in italics: Letter present in the searched word, but not in the position.
- Letter in bold: Letter is present in exactly this position in the searched word.
- In the second turn, you must now use the information you have received to combine another five-letter word.
- Five moves are possible according to exactly this scheme, the sixth word MUST be correct at the latest.
- Example:
Play 1 - EQUAL. Referee:EQUAL
Play 2 - BUDDY. Referee:BUDDY
Play 3 - UNITY. Referee: U N I T Y - Yeah! - Each player guesses his/her word (first come, first served...) until the end, the referee appears at least once a day.
- Every participant who guesses a word correctly will receive a share of the rewards for this post, paid out after payout by DUBby.
- For "fine-tuning," I will spread a few higher comment votes.
Who is DUBby?
DUBby is a payout bot that was originally developed solely for the German-speaking community Deutsch Unplugged (DU) (DU-FinanzBot, DUB, affectionately called DUBby).
Following the trend, we wanted to become a bit more international. By now, DUBby can be used anywhere (Guide).
In short: DUBby is worth it!
Okay, DUBby is worth it for your commenters! As an author, you allocate at least 20% of your author rewards to DUBby (@du-finanzbot) as a beneficiary. DUBby then distributes this donation among your commenters according to your instructions.
DUBby is worth it! Especially for newcomers who would love to "reward" their commenters but don’t have much PS, uh, SP, under the motorhood.
Crazy Stuff!
Indeed! It was invented within the DU administration and implemented by none other than… Pssst… NO-Community-NO-Rules = No Mentions!
@moecki is not only a gift to DU as an administrator, but his talent as a developer benefits more than just DU (DUBby). No, @moecki is here for all of us! He is a very active witness, and it’s a shame that he’s not among the TOP 20 witnesses (who can cover their server costs with STEEM payouts)!
Do you love Wördel?
Do you love DUBby?
Do you love a functioning blockchain?
Vote for @moecki (who loves playing Wördel, too...)!!! Wördel?
Word 01
I'll have number one please and I'll BEGIN with this word.
There must be a reason why I suddenly find myself facing a newborn monkey with spelling issues...
Yes, I think all signs point to starting completely fresh, to
E GINSpelling issues? Yes. Probably. Not idea for a spellling game!
B and I... I really hope this is correct because that's a tricky combo!
Oh, now that you mention it, I see how tricky this combination is - there are almost endless possibilities. One of them is not
LOk, I only see 2 options and on the BASIS that's there's ALWAYS a repeat letter when I play, I'm going to choose BASIS.
Hmm, it looks like I'm actually assigning you the words with repeated letters on purpose. Nevertheless, congratulations on your quick success.
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
Phew! It was either that or BASIC but since I always get repeat letters, I chose upon that BASIS.
Word 07
Ich bleibe beim Wort 7 und bedanke mich für die Blumen... ach für den OCEAN of flowers :-)
Puh, hätte ich gewusst, dass du immer einem Wort treu bleibst, hätte ich Nr. 7 ja niemals so äußerst schwierig gestaltet. Schließlich schwimmen wir doch im selben
O CE ANNee, das ist nicht gesetzt. War jetzt eher doch spontan... aber äußerst schwierig hindert mich jetzt am Denken... neben von den ganzen Dreiern in der Runde. 😉
Das kann ich nur allzu gut nachvollziehen! Ist das O Opfer einer Denkhinderung oder Strategie? Achtung... Keule... 😯
Y O U R SJaja, du hast gut reden... In dem Moment des Klickens fiel mir ein, wie doof das war, und ein viel besseres Wort wie Schuppen von den (Adler)Augen, was ich jetzt aber nicht mehr nehmen kann.
Nein, von mir war es doof. Ich wollte dich nicht irritieren, du solltest in deinen Gedanken frei bleiben dürfen. Frei wie ein
EAGL EOh, jetzt wird es knifflig...
Word 10
Oh, I'm "quite" glad to find it now and just one word is left out for me 😅
Oh, I'm glad you found your way back. Okay, after a little nudge. But I'm still happy. At least
Q U I TEIn a flash all the words gets locked into users now. That's a good trend.
A good trend, yes. But before I expand the word slots, I need to play another round. I still have to put together my picture of the situation. In the dark with
FLA SHI hear you, it is good to see the WHOLE picture before moving forward 👍
Wow, another quick Wördel-Pro, grats!
For me this word would have been very difficult (though I am a daily pro... 😉).
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
After some Wördel now my brain knows how to track them 😉
Word 05
Glück gehabt - auch Stunden später noch ein Kanälchen frei:
Kann man nicht oft genug erwähnen ;-))
Ach ja, würde mich freuen, wenn der freie Slot etwas mit Glück zu tun hat - ich habe da ja schon wieder ganz andere Verschwörungstheorien... ;-)
Auf alle Fälle bringt dir Wort 5 Glück - vielmehr dein klares Statement zum
EA CEImmer! Wir brauchen auch viel mehr Peace in den
Auf alle Fälle! Und es wird wärmer... Äh, Klimawandel in
RCSOkay: versuchen wir ein Match mit dem
Das Spiel der hohen Maßstäbe - nur Dreier bisher! Grats... :-)
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
Word 06
MUSIC was my first love.
...and it won't be your last
U S I CSchön, dass du hergefunden hast... :-))
Ja schön, war aber der reine Zufall. Bin in totaler Unordnug. Habe sogar an mehreren Tagen das Voten vergessen.
Oha. Naja, wir haben uns ja trotzdem getroffen (ohne Mention, ohne persönliche Einladung - das zeugt doch von der nötigen Aufmerksamkeit, um das Wichtigste auf dem Steem nicht zu verpassen). Trotz Unordnung im
Tümpel, äh,M
Word 09
I was weekending out of town and almost missed the new round—SADLY.
Luckily, you just almost missed the new round and ran to the starting block in time. Until yesterday there were still three slots available. I can laugh about it because it tells me how much value users place on their feed or promises. What is going wrong on Steem and what has derailed netiquette turns out
S A D L YFeed is like a MOVIE which skips interesting details such as this post. I was wandering in the comments and found this delight.
Do you also know the saying "Hope dies last" in your culture? I just still have hope that at some point there will be more than you-know-why-we-founded-NO-Community. The hope that it will matter again when one user follows another. The hope that watching and appreciating the feed will become more important than mindlessly producing for big curators one day (again). My hope is not dead yet and until then I will continue to watch this extremely bad
MOV IEIndeed hope is the only TOKEN we can count on. I hope NO-Community will bring no-stagnation but genuine interest in user interaction.
Good ideas, honesty, real friendship and above all a lot of fun are also very valuable
TOKENand hold great POWER.
Word 02
My notification Decieved me, the reason I couldn't see this post on time.
The word is Space
A notification? I didn't invite anyone, I'm innocent (NO mentions, NO invitations...)! Well, there is so much we don't understand between Earth and
SPA C EBut my feed still works, atleast with friends I follow.
The word is PUNCH. That's what I use when they come for me in a bad way.
Since the C is not present in the word you are looking for (see last correction), I would suggest you go to kick-boxing training and punch, punch,
C HLet's go with "PUNKS"
Okay, Ub, because I like you so much, here's a private tutoring session...
The question arises as to why "punks" can't possibly be correct.
Answer: In "punch", P, U, N had been written in italics. This means that these three letters are in the word you're looking for, but not in the positions (thanks to "space", you know that the P can't be in the 2nd position, thanks to "punch", that it can't be in the first position). Ah, since "space", you also know that there is no S in the word you're looking for, because it was crossed out...
Now you're as clever as before: P, U, N (italics) are somewhere else in the word - K, S (crossed out) don't appear...
K SAre you fine? Are you still playing?
I'll go with the word "NUPOT".
I'm in, I was still thinking of a very suitable English word in that space 😀
Word 08
Let's do this!
Just this morning, when I stepped outside the house, life surprised me with a dead
For rhyming Henry wants to look neat,
Dresses up from head to feet.
He grabs his finest blouse,
Oh no, the collar’s chewed by a
M O U SENot another word with just one vowel 😟
What’s up with Word 08 in Wordle?
This mouse, a victim of my pet,
Even ruined my collar - I guess it deserved
Who claims there is just one vowel,
Should mind the wise old owl.
No need to waste one’s precious breath,
For words are chosen well till
DE A T HNever knew Word 08 would end so quick,
A word that weisser-rabe specially hand-picked.
I guess happiness is always short-lived,
Just like this Wordle, waving as I leave.
I should be filled with mirth,
'Cause I know the word is most probably
Cry because parting but cheer your win.
Next time will come, just be attentive and step in.
You'll watch your feed and know it's worth,
For all that matters here on
SteemitE A R T H
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
Ah, I rarely check my feed, though I probably should. I always keep a browser tab open for the Steemit quiz - it’s the first thing I check every morning before brushing my teeth. Most of my time goes into commenting, and I only scroll through my feed when there's nothing to read...
Was it life or your cat? ;-)))
Oh, you’d think it was my cat 😆, but life is unpredictable - it was actually my dog who caught it!
@henryclive - Word 08 is just waiting for you ;-))
NO mentions!

Ooops...White Raven😬🤭
I would say: here is the perfect place for NO worries! ;-)))
Are you sure?!
Der tut nix. Der will nur spielen. ;-))
This might be a bit too early, but Word 08 is NO more 😄
The raven knows exactly what she did and how much my allergic pimples... well... 😎
😄 The raven probably did that for a good cause...
I'm late again! Word 08 again 😆 Guess I should thank you for saving it for me!
Your most devoted servant ;-))
I think it should be the other way around...I was the one who got called to duty 😅
Word 03
I invite you to DANCE
Uuh, with some more correct letters I might wanna
DAN C EThis dance is not as simple as you might imagine; it can be a TRIAL for you
Sigh... the whole life is a
T R IA LI love silence... And the silence between heartbeats is the most LOYAL companion, always with us until the very end
Wow, congratulations! Fast and sudden and quite
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
Thank you! I liked this game 🤝
Word 04
Give me The POWER
Sure. Here is your
P O WE RI will try with BAKER
BAKE ROkey i Will try now with MAKER
Apart from the fact that you have swapped the first letter, nothing has changed: the K is still not in the word you are looking for and the three letters you found are still in the wrong position. Wasted turn?
MAKE RBut I'm really frustrated I put the same word only change 1 letter
I try with RAVEN