No Time? - NO Wördel!

At the risk of making my blog unbearably boring and having my regular readers (especially those outside this platform) banish me from their interests forever, today there’s “only” another Wördel. I simply have no time. Well, I do, just hardly any for Steemit.
Now that spring has finally and gloriously arrived in the far north of Germany, I’m being drawn outside - outside, outside! And that’s a good and important matter, especially since I’m eagerly expecting to welcome four to twelve babies in about 14 days… For that, everything needs to be perfectly prepared, of course.
Before I start long storytelling again, drifting off-topic, and failing to get back outside in time, let’s get to it. Wördel. I was extremely pleased with the last round. Wow, what results! Three players guessed their word in just two attempts! Had I chosen words that were too easy? NO! You’re just amazing!
Since Hahnsen managed 15 words well and no one complained about the low rewards (DUBby’s share divided by 15), there will be another 15 brand-new words from the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries this time. So, grap a word, set, go!
The Wördel rules have moved for the sake of clarity in this article!
Please make sure to read the Wördel rules!!!
I can tell quickly if you haven’t read them... 😎
- Every participant who guesses a word correctly will receive a share of the rewards for this post, paid out after payout by payout bot DUBby.
- For fine-tuning, I will spread a few higher comment votes.
Please don't forget
- to give a Witness Vote to DUBby's developer @moecki
- to support Proposal 89 - Modernise Interface by @the-gorilla
- to support and even delegate some SP to @bullionsavers because this account protects us from arbitrary downvotes. It could finally be a great, joint community action!
- to vote this post with your full power because the higher its rewards, the higher your rewards!
Word 01
Well, my blog has also become unbearably boring, because I also have absolutely no free time 😁
Let's start with:
But you write something different every now and then, bring some variety into the game. Speaking of games - let's just agree that playing isn't boring. Then there's nothing to
Ah, you brushed your teeth, you smell so
0.00 SBD,
0.21 STEEM,
0.21 SP
M Y0.00 SBD,
0.12 STEEM,
0.12 SP
0.00 SBD,
1.88 STEEM,
1.88 SP
Word 12
Oh.. I'm late but FOUND a word to join the mix! 🥂
A little late but still in time. I hope you like what you
FOU NDYeah… I feel like I’m a Wördel MODEL! 😂
Oh, oh, you are a Wördel Pro, no
LOh.. I feel nervous when that happen!
What about a bit of self-confidence?!
Are you in the age to know a
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 6,6%
I’m at the age where I even know what a dongle is 😂
Word 08
I'll take number eight again. It was LUCKY for me last time.
This could work again. If you get the initial letter on the first try, you are pretty
U C K YHmmm, tricky. I'll have to think about this one and get back to you LATER
Okay, alligator, see you
A TEROk, let me think...
I'm going to look like a LEMON if I can't solve this. Which will make me bitter.
You are not bitter, you are sour because you are a
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 6,6%
Haven't I had this word before?
I'm sure I've had this word before
Word 11
It seems to be a full HOUSE this time too!
HOUSE it is.
Ja, only one slot ist left! I can correct all the words without hurry because today t's cold an I stay in the
HOU S E"Do good, be it the size of a grain"
Oh, this guess looks a bit bigger than a
GRAI NI guessed “robin” in Wordle and it chirped playfully!
Oh yes, it sounds so beautiful, the tiny
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 6,6%
0.00 SBD,
0.15 STEEM,
0.15 SP
Word 15
I didn't know how to REACT at all these free words, it was a hard choice!
I am very happy that you found the game again and did
R EAC TWell that's a really bad start...
Let's try HANDY
Oh, oh, oh, please don't freak out. It will be even worse when I unfortunately have to tell you that you won't be able to do it in two attempts this time either... 🫣
HANDYThis gets harder and harder I might not even find the correct word, one more try, please tell me it's...
So sorry that I can't tell you since there is the D missing you've already found, in
M P S0.00 SBD,
0.05 STEEM,
0.05 SP
I am so stupid for rushing words, could VALID be a VALID word?
0.00 SBD,
2.00 STEEM,
2.00 SP
Word 09
Hello again ;-))) 4-12 Babies... Ich wäre total fertig mit den Nerven, wenn ich es vorher nicht genauer wüßte... Gibt doch eine Menge Technik in dem
Haha, nützt ja nichts, denn ich werde mir kein Ultraschallgerät anschaffen. Rauskommen werden sie alle und Platz gibt es auch ausreichend im abgesteckten
R EAL MDann drücke ich alle Daumen, daß es lauter freudige Überraschungen werden! Vielleicht hat das eine oder andere Lämmchen ja einen niedlichen
Da Elton der Papa ist, dürfte die ein oder andere lustig-bunte Mischung entstehen. Ich garantiere frech mal pro Tier mindestens einen
S TA I NSpielst Du denen dann was auf dem
Ich spiele ja leider kein Instrument. Aber ich singe ihnen etwas vor. Hauptsächlich vor dem Schlafengehen. Vielleicht finde ich ja mal jemanden, der mich begleitet. Nicht in den Stall, sondern auf dem
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 6,6%
Schlaf, Kindchen, schlaf! Dein Vater ist ein Schaf... ;-))
Word 10
Perfektes Wochenendwetter...
Du sagst es! So viele Sonnenstarlen, so viele strahlende Gesichter -
S H I N YHappy People... 🎵Da bin ich jetzt aber weniger happy. 😊
Ich tröste mich mit einem Besuch beim BAKER.
Ohauaha, da is ja nun wirklich alles möglich... ;-))
B A KE RNa super... Das habe ich aber geschickt eingefädelt. Ist noch etwas früh, aber bei dem Gartenwochenende konnte man schon fast an den MOWER denken.
0.00 SBD,
0.78 STEEM,
0.78 SP
Aber auch nur fast...
0.25 STEEM,
0.25 SP
Okay, ich vermute, das O steht an erster Stelle... dann grenzt das Ganze ein wenig ein. Dann ich muss mich sputen, der Post wird immer
0.00 SBD,
0.39 STEEM,
0.39 SP
Word 13
Oh, Glück gehabt...
Du sagst es! Und ich wette, die 13 bringt zudem Glück...
A U D I OGuter Anfang. Aber das gesuchte Wort ist englisch und nicht
Ja, doch, wir spielen auf Englisch. Liest man doch, Menno! Außerdem wird es irgendwie ganz anders geschrieben, das Kauder-
WELS Hoder?
Hm, dann vielleicht Spiel im Spiel.
Och, dat war nu aber 'n fixen Dutt mit di to speelen...
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 6,6%
0.00 SBD,
0.20 STEEM,
0.20 SP
War eine gute Wahl ganz FRESH noch mal vor dem Eintreffen des Schiris umzustellen. Schach?! Kann ich! :)
0.00 SBD,
0.30 STEEM,
0.30 SP
Oh, eine sehr überschaubare Anzahl von Vokalen in deinem Wort... Ich weiß nicht, ist das gut jetzt oder schlecht.
Ich hätte doch mit TEETH anfangen sollen, so wie geplant. 😂😂
Vielleicht ist es auch 'ne Comic Sprechblasen Edition mit BRRRR oder GNRRR.
Sowas ist natürlich unter "Wort 10" verpackt. Aber wenn du zu spät kommst... 😇
Immer diese Überforderung durch Multi-Accounts.
Das war ich.
Ich war's!
Also ich jetzt, Chriddi.
0.00 SBD,
0.55 STEEM,
0.55 SP
Wort 10? Wort 10!!! 😱
0.00 SBD,
0.27 STEEM,
0.27 SP
Naja, immerhin hatte Pepe Wort 10 bislang für sich abonniert. Da muss ich mir doch was einfallen lasse... 😎
Naja, müsste ich, wenn ich 'ne fiese Möb wäre... 🤪
0.00 SBD,
0.25 STEEM,
0.25 SP
Word 14
I thought I was just in time... Well, I just played Quordle - who knew VAUNT was a real word? 😑 Maybe my vocab really is that bad.
Stay calm, even now there is still one slot open. I also like Quordle, it is a bit more challenging than this game. If you solve a Quordle in six tries, you can
VAU NTOh, not to boast, but I once solved a Quordle in six tries. Although it’s not something I should brag about, because if I fail on my next try, my colleague will surely GLOAT over me 🙂
I also manage it from time to time. But it's rare and always a reason to be happy. Speaking of joy: you and I should have a chat very soon, about
G L OA TI did not, did I? I was just stressed out over something something leaderboard something
And to make matters worse, I’m on my third attempt with no clue what the word is. At this rate, there’ll be no FEASTing in the days ahead…
Yes, we should both pull ourselves together. There's a wise saying in German that says "You can't dance at two weddings at the same time." So if we can get along again, after all it will be a great
FE ASTEXACTly. How I love where this conversation is going...
Although this week feels like a mission impossible for TSAF, this certainly won’t be our last dance.

Word 06
Thanks hmmm let me try.
I am soTIRED today.
I can understand that. Since I was out in the fresh air all day long, I am also very
I have GIVEN a task. I hope this time it will complete ✅
Well, it's not complete yet, but a nice basis is
GIVE Nok cool,
the police always play the SIREN
Well, since you've already guessed I and N correct (but in the wrong position), it cannot be
I'm so sorry: In your first attempt I told you that there is no D. My mistake, so sorry, there is a D.
TIRE DSorry!!!
Your letters so far:
Sorry again. Your next attempt will be your third (though it is the fourth), okay?
Thanks for the clarification, I hope this word is gonna work.
Every book has a INDEX
0.00 SBD,
2.60 STEEM,
2.60 SP