My first ever steemit post and introduction


Hello everybody, my name is Bence and this is my short introduction about myself. Currently I live in London since 2012 when I moved here from Hungary. I met mi beautiful fiancee in this awesome city. She is from Madrid, Spain. Since then I fell in love with her amazing country, because obviously we visited quite a lot to see her family and just enjoy some time off.
Now after working hard(most of the time) for 5 years in London, we decided to move to Spain for good. Fun fact: I don’t really speak the language and I am going to be unemployed for a while so stay tuned, lot of mental breakdowns and exciting adventures are ahead of us. I am very happy about this but as well I am shitting myself everyday, because well we are just winging it...
Long story short, I am going to post about my adventures in this beautiful country. I am completely new to Steemit, I don’t know what expect, but I am looking forward to it as I haven't done anything like this before and I think it is very important to be outside of your comfort zone.
A bit about what to expect from these posts.
I love photography, cycling and eating a lot of good food so these are going to be my focus areas. I hope a lot of you will enjoy them, but bare in mind I have never done this before so be patience...
My next posts are going to be about our plans in Spain, maybe some cycling adventures around the capital and obviously about eating that glorious Spanish food, which makes me want to cry, because I still have 4 more days in London as I am writing this and I cannot wait to eat some CHOPITOS!!!
See you


Hi Ben, I like your pictures. Hope to see more work like this around!

welcome nice introduction, keep up the good posts

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