HaggleX Bounty Programme is LIVE: $50,000 HAG Reward Pool

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)


This is to bring to your notice that the HaggleX Bounty Programme is now live. It is designed to last for 15 weeks only starting from November 9th, 2020 till February 21st, 2021. Interestingly, the bounty pool is 5% of the total HAG tokens (50,000 HAG). Participate to get a share of the reward pool.

Furthermore, the bounty programme will cut across three (3) campaigns. In consequence, the reward pool will be allocated along all three (3) campaigns in the order below:

  • Social Media campaign: 45%
  • Blog/Media Campaign: 30%
  • Translation Campaign: 25%

Note that, 1 HAG = $1


Social Media Campaign: The reward for this campaign is 45% of total bounty pool.

Here, the campaign would be carried out on three (3) social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). Also, the allocated reward pool for this campaign would be shared equally among the three bounties in the same percentage.

  • Twitter: 15%
  • Facebook: 15%
  • LinkedIn: 15%


Twitter Campaign Requirements/ Rules:

  • Follow HaggleX on Twitter via the link: https://www.twitter.com/hagglexintl
  • Make at least 3 tweets about HaggleX in a week, with #HaggleX , #HAG, #EOS, #BNB, & #bitcoin tags. Minimum of 2 Tweets in a day.
  • Make at least 5 retweets and 5 likes per week on HaggleX official tweets. Do not retweet any post older than 30 days.
  • Twitter Accounts must have a minimum of 200 Followers to be eligible.
  • Your audit score must be more than 85%. (Check your audit score here: www.twitteraudit.com)
  • You must be an active and regular Twitter user. Twitter accounts must be original and active. Fake, dead, inactive and/or bot accounts will not be accepted.
  • Campaign participation limit: 5000 participants.

Twitter payment structure:

  • Less than 500 followers: 1 stake per retweet and like per Week
  • 501 to 1000 followers: 3 stakes per retweet and like per Week
  • 1000 or more followers: 10 stakes per retweet and like per week

Please, fill this form to validate your entries and receive shares: https://forms.gle/1zaJbfYWvRbyrLin6

Facebook Campaign Requirements/ Rules:

  • Like HaggleX's Official Facebook Fanpage via the link: https://www.facebook.com/hagglex
  • Make at least 3 posts about HaggleX in a week, with #HaggleX , #HAG, #EOS, #BNB, & #bitcoin tags. - Maximum of 2 posts in a day.
  • Make at least 5 shares and 5 likes per week on HaggleX official posts. Do not share any post older than 30 days. Do not delete posts until the campaign is over.
  • Facebook accounts must have a minimum of 200 Friends
  • You must be an active and regular Facebook user. Facebook accounts must be original and active. Fake, dead, inactive and/or bot accounts will not be accepted.
  • Campaign participation limit: 5000 participants.
  • Fill this form to receive your stakes: https://forms.gle/uDy31Ta1Hm2pzEYZ6

Facebook payment structure: The payment structure for Facebook activities would be:

  • 200 to 1000 Facebook friends: 10 stakes/Week
  • 1001 to 5000 Facebook friends: 35 stakes/Week
  • 5000+ Facebook friends: 50 stakes/Week

LinkedIn Campaign Requirements/ Rules:

  • Follow HaggleX via the link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hagglex
  • Make at least 3 posts about HaggleX in a week, with #HaggleX , #HAG, #EOS, #BNB, & #bitcoin tags. Minimum of 2 posts in a day.
  • Make at least 5 shares and 5 likes per week on HaggleX official posts. - Do not share any post older than 30 days. Do not delete posts until the campaign is over.
  • LinkedIn account must have a minimum of 100 connections/ friends
  • You must be an active and regular LinkedIn user. Accounts must be original and active. Fake, dead, inactive and/or bot accounts will not be accepted.
  • Campaign participation limit: 5000 participants.
  • Fill this form to validate your entries and receive rewards: https://forms.gle/oJPLG4RYoE9X6T4LA

LinkedIn payment structure:

  • 100 to 1000 Connections: 10 stakes/Week
  • 1001 to 5000 Connections: 35 stakes/Week
  • 5000+ Connections: 50 stakes/Week


The reward for this activity is 30% of the bounty pool. Participants will be rewarded from the 30% pool accordingly.


  • Write a blog post on HIVE, Steemit, Uptrennd, Voice, Medium, Read.Cash etc) or make a quality video and share on your blogs.

  • All blogs and videos will be divided into 3 different categories, and will be rewarded as follows:

Good: 100 Stakes
Medium: 70 Stakes
Normal: 40 Stakes

Take note, all contents will be judged and rated by the quality, traffic, views and effects.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. You must have an existing and active account on any or all of the platforms mentioned. Low quality blogs and videos will not be accepted.

  2. Blogs and Videos should definitely be original. Copying graphics, text and other content is not allowed. (You can use official images, logos, graphics posted on HaggleX websites,
    Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter account)

  3. Blog posts must have a minimum of 400 words. Less than 400 words will not be accepted.

  4. Video must be at least 1:30 minutes, shorter videos will not be accepted. Videos to be posted on YouTube.

  5. The blog and/or videos must contain a link to the HaggleX official ICO website and whitepaper.

  6. You must not copy and paste one post on different blogs. Each blog should have a distinct post.

  7. Manager and Team HaggleX save the rights to increase or change any rule, payment structure and anything else, if necessary.

To validate your entries, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/akzwehs9juLontEW6


Here, you are expected to translate HaggleX Project’s Whitepaper and website to other languages. The allocated reward for this campaign is 20% of the bounty pool. Below is the payment structure:

Whitepaper: 250 Stakes
Website : 100 Stakes

Translation Terms and Conditions

  1. Apply only if you can provide a high-quality translation in any of the languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch or any other language.

  2. To apply for a language, send a mail to the address ndytom001@gmail.com. Also send a link to your previous translations.

  3. One person can reserve only one language and you can only start working once we approve you.

  4. Reservations are given on a first come, first serve basis.

  5. Translations must be original. Using any kind of tool such as Google is not allowed. If found, the translator will be blacklisted.

  6. Newbies i.e. users with no previous experience of translation will not be accepted. Always ask before beginning translation and post your previous translation work.

  7. We are not responsible to pay or accept any kind of translations if done without reserved approval. First get approval for your reservation then start translation

  8. You have 7 days to submit your translation once you have been approved. You will get disqualified, if you don't respect the deadline.

  9. Manager and Team HaggleX have the rights to increase or change any rules, payment structure and anything else if necessary.

To validate your entry and submit your translation, fill this form: https://forms.gle/tmjmtoGG7bS84N1CA


  • By participating in this bounty campaign, it means you have agreed to all the rules governing the campaigns.
  • Team HaggleX has the right to change or modify rules.
  • The bounty programme may last for 15 weeks, ending on February 21st, 2021.
  • A participant is allowed to participate in more than one campaign
  • Any offensive post or inappropriate write-ups about HaggleX will lead to disqualification.
  • The wallet address submitted for the Campaign should be the same with the one used in HaggleX account registration.
  • Once participant's limit is being reached for a certain campaign, registration for that campaign will be closed.
  • All participants must have an account on HaggleX platform
  • Avoid using multiple accounts and your social media accounts should be above 6 months old.
  • Your profile should be set to open/public privacy to allow us to track your activities.


Join the HaggleX Bounty programme to get a share of the $50,000 HAG tokens. For those participating in the STEEMIT campaign, submit your posts here and do well to follow @Hagglex for more updates.


Welcome to Steemit @hagglex

Resteemed and shared with PH community members. Hopefyully your bounty will attract positive attention. I can bring valuable traffic, however at the end of the day it will be up to you guys to win people trust and maintain it.

Good luck guys :)

Yours, @crypto.Piotr
@project.hope founder

We appreciate the collaboration @Project.hope

HaggleX promises to deliver on its Whitepaper.

I am interested. I hope you get more attention. Good luck 👍

Hello there. I have to tell that i was aplying for two of the campaings. But we need to provide a Wallet address ( HaggleX). And you don´t have it available yet. So i was wondering how can we proceed to apply to that form https://forms.gle/tmjmtoGG7bS84N1CA ?. And you ask for a translation link. What do you want to translate?. I hope you resolve those interrogants. here we are intersted to participate. Regards.

First, you have to create an account on HaggleX. You can use this link https://ico.hagglex.com/invite?ref=UD00319. When you create an account on HaggleX, there'll be a space for you to insert your Ethereum address (account settings). It is that same wallet you will submit on the forms. Understood?

About the translation forms, you are to fill it once you are done with your translation. When you are done translating, you drop the link in the space there. You are not to fill it before translation.

Please, read carefully

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate 3

Wow! This is really great. I really can't wait to take part in the campaign 😊. I wish I could take part in the Twitter campaign too but I don't have up to 200 followers yet ☹️😑.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💓💕

How many followers do you have?

Hi @hagglex

I've resteemed this post already, but I'm not going to be able to join this bounty since terms and conditions are just simply over-complicated.

Example: "Your audit score must be more than 85%."
(auditscore ? what the heck ...)

I surely wish you all the best, but let's face it - if you're assuming that 1 HAG = $1 then you will be giving away 50k usd in tokens to bounty-hunters. And most of them will dump your token right away, causing enormous selling pressure.

Truth is, that seeing such a bounty make me wonder if HAG token will even manage to maintain price of 0.1$ after this bounty will be over.

In my opinion, bounties are not a good way to market and promote your ICO/token. From perspective of an investor - I've learned that whenever I see bounty happening then I feel "cheated". After all most ICOs are raising funds from investors and part of those funds is planned to be used to cover costs of marketing purposes. Doing bounty is like "charging" double.

Not only investors are buying token, knowing that part of those money raised will be used to pay for marketing and promotional services. On top of that as an investor I would lose value of purchased tokens, knowing that bounty has been organized.
That makes me feel (and many other investors would probably feel the same) that I was cheated. That people behind ICO/launched token took money for themself (those money which were supposed to be used for marketing purposes) and are trying to promote their project by offering free tokens (which is not fair towards initial investors).

ps. welcome to Project.hope community
@creativeblue team

Your opinions are noted.

Hello HaggleX friends, I find that the campaign methodology that HaggleX is using is novel, I have not particularly seen it before. What caught my eye the most is the campaign to translate the White Paper, which is simply great because it involves communities in the project in an indirect way.
I'll be following up on you.

If you are interested in the translation campaign, then apply for a language by sending a mail to the provided address

Great news!

Really great opportunity

thanks a lot for this opportunity. I real appreciated this , I try to participate and get all rewards. Thanks!

You're welcome.
Participate in as many campaigns as possible and get a share of the reward pool

Hi @hagglex. Thank you for this information. i just make a post for supporting this great plan. If you have time you can visit it.
Here my entry

Thank you for participating but please fill this form to validate your entry..


Also, you need to have an account on HaggleX. Sign up here..


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