Relationship between emotions and decision making

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The first relationship that may come to mind to many of us, is that emotions are influential in decision making, if our emotions are controlled, most likely we can make the right decision, however if we are very anxious or nervous and act impulsively, then we may not make the best decisions, then we can say that emotions are influential in decision making.

The key is in the way we process information, when we get a sudden news and our brain is not prepared for that news, then emotions take over us, and it is very difficult to make a decision.

Emotions are the most dominant and influential in decision making, we can see it in our day to day, we know that we make an optimal decision when the results are favorable, most likely at that time we had the emotions under control.

However, the secret of being able to establish a relationship between emotions and decision making that benefits us the most, is when we know how to manage it and always seek to make the best decision, even when we receive bad news.


Our emotions and decisions really need to be controlled because they go a long way to determine our actions and the outcomes of our lives whether positive or negative actually