PUSS Official TELEGRAM Channel Need To Verified To Protect From Scammers' Scam Channels

in PussFi ๐Ÿˆ โ€ข 2 months ago


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Today I have brought you a very wonderful post. I hope you will like the post that I will share with you today. When I share everything very well in this post, you will be able to know everything very well from here. Here I will share everything very detailed and with complete information so that you can know everything well from here. When I share everything here, I will share everything in very detailed way from here. When you see everything from here, you will get some detailed information from here. Then you will get some of my opinions here.

  • Other telegram channel

We all know Telegram and we can see here that there are many channels and those channels are doing their work very well here and there are some channels who have created channels only for their own work or for their own needs. These channels are always working well and in these channels they are doing very good work and their issue here is not that they are running their own channel in their own way and they are doing their work well. They are always doing the work they need here and the work they do not need they are not doing in this channel due to which they have gained a good reputation for their channel.


  • Verified Telegram channel

There are many such channels which at one time reach such a good level that they have a lot of fan base and here they have so much fan base that they have some enemies there as well due to which here they need to fix their own channel and it is necessary to lock it and in different seasons other people also come with some names and information about the names and information of their channel. Cam channels are created and to avoid this, they verify their channel to consider it as the correct and original channel and to give it to people.

Those who were already connected to their channel here already know this channel and they were very well positioned here and they are still aware of their channel, but those who are new to it may try to find their channel here by searching and when they try to find their channel, those who know the original channel there enter that original channel, but in most cases people do not know the original channel, they only enter the screen channel, as a result of which if there is a verified option, they will be able to recognize the real channel.

  • Scam telegram channel

And in this case, the channels that do not take their verification here, in most cases, the channels that are not verified, they always do such things and keep advancing their channels in such a way that most of the time they make people victims of scams and when people start coming to their channels like this, they fool people here and take away their income from here and through scams, they do many things from people due to which people are victims of fund loss. In some cases, they scan from people in such a way that it is not possible for them to do anything good for people or bring something good for people and they do some things in such a way that when some people catch their scans, they get even more angry and their scams become much more intelligent, but by giving a scam tag to one person, that channel is not considered as a scam. When they do press cams with many people and everyone considers them as a scam, only then people realize that it is a scam. There was a scam channel but people don't understand it at first, but when they finally understand, there's nothing left to do from here. They do it today for their own profit and take it away.

  • Puss official telegram channel

And in this case, our own coil has a telegram channel and we are all connected to the official channel of this coin and we have known this official channel from the beginning, so here we know everything about our channel and we can see everything that is happening in our channel, but another channel like our channel was created here which we all saw and many of us entered this channel thinking it was real and many of us joined here but later when we saw our official community channel, we took a leave from there and entered our original channel but in this case, others like us who did not know our channel would also enter such wrong channels

And to avoid this mistake, we should pay attention to the issue of this channel because since we have now gone on this channel, we can enter our family or other known people by linking them to it, but those who are completely new to us, with whom we have no contact and who do not know us or if they ask us something good, We may not find them and there is no guarantee that we will be able to give them the link to our original channel

Some new people are constantly coming here and they are trying to take a lot from here and they are always trying to gain some good things by entering here which may be good if it is on our official channel. If they enter any of the scan channels that are there, they may become victims of Islam which may result in our channel being compromised and our jewelry may also be defamed. All the content we are doing here is being done from our official website. I think we should verify this Telegram channel to show this.

Because many of the other official accounts of this coin that we have are verified, but in a place like Telegram where so many people are crowded, when our channel is verified, it will be good for us, and when all the new investors and new people who search to enter our channel or somehow find out about our channel, when they first enter here, they will immediately understand that the official channel is not among the channels that JSK Marder has, so my opinion is that we should verify this official channel as soon as possible. If we can verify this channel, then it will gain prominence as our official website, and at the same time, it will also gain a lot of reputation among the people here.

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Few words About my self

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I am Abdullah Al Saimoon from Bangladesh. My nickname is ๐“‘๐“˜๐“™๐“ž๐“จ. I am a student. I am the regular user and post maker in this platform. I love share my regular activities in this platform. I am a resident of Daganbhuiyan upazila of Feni district. See details about me on Google There are my social media accounts YouTube , Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram . I am ethnically Muslim. I am a biker and a bike lover. I've been riding bikes many times. I went out in many places with bike.

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  • 26.01.2025


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Many many thanks to you for spending time on my post and take a look.

It is really necessary and thank you for calling one attention to this telegram channel, I did know now

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