SLC S23W5/ Puppet Theater
Hello ,I'm here with my creativity, what a fun time as my children showed their skills in making puppet theater from their imagination.
Because of time we missed last week's own. I followed the class and we can make a glove puppet. It will interest you to see what we made .
With a child between 4 and 12 years old, create a puppet theater using materials of your choice. Consider the child's age to determine whether or not they can cut. The most important thing is their safety; if necessary, you can do the cutting while they participate in the decoration.
I'm using my daughter who is 7 years, she is good with scissors which she used for cutting some papers. I helped her where necessary since we used a very thick carton to form our theatre.
Remember to indicate the materials you'll use, as well as the step-by-step process and the final result. Include photographic evidence. Also include both the children and you performing the puppet show and showing the final result.
- Thick carton
- Water gum
- Razor/ scissors
- Rapping paper
- Cardboard paper
- Maker
- Crayons
From the pictures the activity explained itself. We started by getting our materials ready just as I listed above.
Then the carton was set to be cut, I showed my daughter where to cut and she marked a square sign just to make sure she followed the lines, after cutting out the carton in square shape , she did the same at the back where she can put her hands and play the puppet character. Remember a puppet can be anything so she used stockings puppet as shown from the previous class. We proceeded by guming the rapping paper on the carton surface.our beautiful puppet theater was made.
What was the experience like when creating this play?
This week's assignment is awesome,this is what my children like doing, I have watched them create different puppets without appreciating their work. We making this puppet theater gave them joy as they displayed their talents.
I saw their zeal to make a difference, I saw the seriousness in my daughter when she was trying to cut the carton.
What do you think was the most difficult step to take?
We used hard carton, cutting it was difficult for her I have to assist her so that she will cut her hand in the process. Apart from this stage others were very easy for her.
Were you inspired by a specific theme or did you just let your imagination run wild when decorating the puppet theater?
Hmmmm, talking about theme I can't remember any at that moment, I allowed my daughter to imagine anything and she came out with this beautiful idea of colorful theater.
What was the child's favorite part during this activity?
Her favorite part during this activity was playing a puppet character, she played the Character of a traffic while controlling the traffic with her fan.
It was very funny and educational,you have to see me laughing out loud, she did an excellent job I celebrate her.
This is my entry on puppet theater for week 5.
I call on @vickymoon @basil20 @mvchacin
!category 2
Hola, me alegro mucho que te hayas animado a participar en la cuarta lección; Teatro de títeres
Has indicado los materiales a utilizar para la elaboración del teatrillos.
Has enumerado y explicado el paso a paso con imágenes.
Has compartido que la elaboración de este teatro de títeres le dio mucha alegría a tu niña, y que la parte más difícil fue cortar el cartón duro, donde tuviste que intervenir y ayudar a cortarlo por la seguridad de la niña.
El teatrillo fue decorado según las ocurrencias de la niña y el resultado final fue muy pintoresco.
Observaciones y sugerencias:
Aunque enumeraste el paso a paso con imágenes, hubiera sido bueno que describieras lo que hiciste en cada uno; por ejemplo, en el cuarto y quinto paso no se observa bien qué es lo que hicieron.
Recuerda indicar el dispositivo con el cual fueron tomadas las fotografías.
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Estimada amiga
Encantado de leerte. Te expreso mi admiración por tanto talento, siempre he sentido atractivo por el mundo de las marionetas y títeres. Felicito a ti y a tu hija por tan maravilloso trabajo. Bendiciones siempre para ti y para tu familia.