An Apology To My Dear Admins

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

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Hi all,

Happy weekend to you guys, I hope the weekend is moving smoothly. It's a cool evening here with me, hope same there with you.

For more than a month ago, there was a hitted argument that arose between most of us and the admins with me being the focal point. Ever since then things haven't been moving smoothly as far as relationship is concern with the admins due to the arguments we had.

After the arguments, there was a resolution meeting which instead further caused the issue to rise all this because of me. All this was because I let my emotions and reasoning to overcome me which let to an extend I had to disrespect my admins/my elders which isn't good at all. But since I always want to live in peace with any person I come across, I decided to sit back and rethink then reflect. After rethinking and reflecting, I later discovered that it was unethical for someone like me to engage my self in argument with my admins and most especially the ones I look up to.

So I thought it wise that it's time to make amendments and plead for forgiveness from my dear admins @thegreens, @saxopedia, @fombae and @majerius. I hope you guys fine a place in your heart to forgive me because I'm ready to face any sanctions given by you people so that I can gain back love and trust from each one of you.

We all are humans and bound to make mistakes, (but that doesn't means we most make mistakes willingly because we are humans). So I plead 🙏 from you guys that this won't happen ever again. I have learned to always keep calm, emotions and reasons within me so as to always avoid such issues from ever arising again. I promise to be the good person as you guys new I was before. You people are the ones I look up to, for this reason, I wasn't in anyway have to question you people the way I did. But thank God I later realize my self, that's why I have come in peace to seek for each of you to forgive me

To my bro, @b-naj, I'm also sorry for dragging you into this. To be honest it wasn't my intentions to ever drag you into this and my real intentions was not even about interested in being a MOD. was just arguing and had to drag you into this for some comparism but little did I Know I was wrong. I hope you forgive me too my bro

To any other person I wronged in one or the other, I hope and pray you also forgive me.

My always wish for this community is to see it grow and reach higher heights. So I wish to work extremely very hard so that I can also be part of this community success. With this, it was just due to Anger and emotions that let me reduce my delegation from 1k to 500 SP, but I promise to increase back my delegation which will be higher than my initial 1kSP and I will do that any of this upcoming days


 3 years ago 

@chiabertrand, im happy to read this post from you. I always say it is okay to bring issues to fixed for the better or learn from them. This is a bold step, one thing I plead with you is to watch your words when making a point. Concluding without proper information can destroy a long-lasting relationship in a second.

I for one had a serious issue with your choice of words, But with this, I hope for better days ahead. We will never stop learning, meaning listening and reading is the key.

@fombae accept your apology

 3 years ago 

one thing I plead with you is to watch your words when making a point

Have learned from this vividly well and promise myself never to do such again because I really regretted my words and wasn't at eased with my self.

Concluding without proper information can destroy a long-lasting relationship in a second.

This is what I wish it shouldn't happen ever. That is the reason why I decided to make an open apology and make amendments with you all to forgive me so that the love and trust you guys had towards me shouldn't fade away

@fombae accept your apology

Wooow I'm extremely very happy for this sir. I promise to do my best by being humble, hardworking and being respectful so that I can fully gain back love and trust from you

Thanks once more sir, I'm so so happy now

 3 years ago 
Finally, I'll say it's maturity to admit and come openly to apologize. I love this post, i admire the sincerity in it and also the manner of approach.

This is the best message I'll receive just after praying. My God you're amazing as always. Getting to the point of accepting sanctions is cool.

I'll not write much, but my boss @fombae has said almost everything. I e just one advise, before you speak always ask yourself if you'll feel okay if someone did same to you in that manner. Words weight more than a bag of cement. I'm happy you've taken this step. We pray and work towards better days.

I, @majerius humbly accept your apology.

Thank you and Shalom.❤️

 3 years ago 

before you speak always ask yourself if you'll feel okay if someone did same to you in that manner. Words weight more than a bag of cement

Yeah exactly, have learned greatly from this incident and promise myself not to ever involved my self in this type of act

I, @majerius humbly accept your apology

Thank 🙏 you sir Majerius for accepting my apology. I really do appreciate

 3 years ago 

Your post was upvoted with the Steem Cameroon Curation Account. Keep posting great content for more upvotes.


 3 years ago 

I am so glad to see such a post being created. It is not easy for someone to ask for an apology in the open, i applaud this gesture, and pray that the admins draw you once more closer because trust is a very fragile thing. But i pray we go back to how we once was.

Long live steem cameroon, we all have 1 goal for the community and we can achieve it as 1, just like the other communities have been doing.

Blessed night to all🙌🏻

 3 years ago 

i applaud this gesture, and pray that the admins draw you once more closer because trust is a very fragile thing. But i pray we go back to how we once was.

That's I'm praying for too brother. I believe this community can be great again if things start moving smoothly just as before

Long live steem cameroon, we all have 1 goal for the community and we can achieve it as 1, just like the other communities have been doing.

Exactly brother you are right. My wish is always to see this community a great community. I hope we can achieve great things and make this community a better one tomorrow

 3 years ago 

We can see the greatness of a man in the little actions that he takes and you are great man @chiabertrand. Of course Humans do errors but what is important is to recognise and correct them. I hope the admins will have a kind heart to forgive you.

Together we can do it.

Let's steem together.

 3 years ago 

We can see the greatness of a man in the little actions that he takes and you are great man @chiabertrand

Thanks for the appreciation brother

Of course Humans do errors but what is important is to recognise and correct them. I hope the admins will have a kind heart to forgive you.

That's my hope too bro. My wish is to see steemcameroon grow higher than us having problems

 3 years ago 

That is our wish and we shall do together 😎

 3 years ago 

This is great move my bro

The Bible says God resist the proud and gave grace to the humble I appreciate your kind humbleness bro
Pride has kill many relationship and family while forgiveness build relationship and family I 👋you for your humbleness to ask for forgiveness ,I love the response of those concern too , together we stand divided we fall public apology is show your macturity and it is not everyone that can take the bold step to do that

 3 years ago 

The future is bright, the future is promising. Together, we are better and can always do better. Peace is the way, peace is always my way and i am glad we are walking the way.

 3 years ago (edited)

Wow @chibertrand this is really great .I see that man in you .After realizing your mistake you came back to apologized publicly to the Admins .It take grace for someone to do this .Please when you are angry know the choice of words you use and don’t reacts immediately . Eventhough humanbeings are expose to mistakes.

 3 years ago 

Amazing, its not easy to make a public apology but this shows a sign of maturity. I pray things get better than it used to be.
Happy Sunday

 3 years ago 

Amazing, its not easy to make a public apology but this shows a sign of maturity

It wasn't easy but I thought otherwise that it is the only best option to do so as to show my genuineness and maybe gain back trust and love from my dear admins

 3 years ago 

This is great dr.