Bamenda's Newest Orators!!

in Steem Cameroon3 months ago

New Year greetings from Bamenda City to all esteemed members of this platform. I trust we are all doing well.

I took some time off recently for self-reflection and planning for the new year. My absence was also due to network and electricity challenges that plagued Bamenda.


On December 15, 2024, I had the honor of celebrating the graduation of public speakers trained by me at the Texas Institute of Public Speaking (TIPS).


During the graduation, I wished these amazing speakers well as they embark on their journeys to practice what they learned. Students participated in various programs: a 12-month diploma program, a 3-month program, and a 1-month intensive training program (the most popular). Among my students were three remarkable women in their sixties: a secondary school principal and pastor from Upstation Bamenda; the current director of studies at a prominent teachers' training college (soon to retire); and the proprietor of a primary school who also works as an assistant to the Divisional Officer for Bamenda III and runs a civil society organization focused on helping the underprivileged.


We also had student teachers, teachers, a herbal medicine professional, nurses, entrepreneurs, and others. Some students trained virtually due to their location or scheduling constraints.


The graduation ceremony was a wonderful occasion filled with reminiscing, laughter, and celebration. We recalled the beautiful moments and shared experiences of our training journey. It was a time of hugs, laughter, and joyful celebration.


During the graduation, I felt like I was sending out my own disciples, like Jesus sending out his apostles, but instead of preaching the gospel, they were going out to share the power of their newfound voices and public speaking skills.


I wish all our students the best and eagerly anticipate witnessing their achievements as they apply public speaking principles in real-world scenarios.


Enrollment is now open for the next cohort (Cohort 9), with training beginning on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. I encourage you to register and allow us to help you find your voice.

Remember, you don't have to be a professional speaker, but you must speak professionally in all that you do.



