The Steemit Awards 2021 : The 4th Steem For Betterlife Community Wins in the Best Community Category [Thank You For Trust]]
The official announcement regarding the Steemit Awards 2021 the steemit team through the @steemitblog account with the post title The Steemit Awards 2021 - Winners Announcement, and here one of the Best Community this year is STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE where this community ranks fourth in that category. From the entire community team, thank you to all members and delegates who have been fighting with the team so that in the first year the community was born, it became one of the Best Community on the steemt platform. Our very special thanks from the STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE community team also to the core team of steemit and the developers of this platform.
We from the STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE community team invite all members and delegates to celebrate together because this community belongs to all of us, and for the hope that we want to convey to all members and delegates to continue to contribute in the next year.
The community team also congratulated the 5 steemians who have continued to make the best contributions to the community so far and they were also crowned in the 2021 Steemit Awards with their respective categories, namely @el-nailul ranked first, @mariana4ve ranked fifth, @klen.civil in the runners-up in the Best Contributor to the Community category, then two other steemians who are active members of Steem for Betterlife, namely @huzaifanaveed1 in first place, @firyfaiz runners-up in the Best Author category.
Finally, the Steem For Betterlife team through the curation account once again congratulates all the winners of the 2021 Steemit Awards and thanks to the members and delegates who have raised this community and to the steemit team who have given awards this year with fourth place.
Steem For Betterlife Community Team
@el-nailul @irawandedy @klen.civil @miftahuddin @heriadi @sofian88 @mariana4ve @liasteem
I am really proud of you guys, thank you for doing the best you can for the community
Congratulations on being a winner in the Steemit Awards 2021...
Terimakasih atas penghargaan ini
Thank you for the appreciation, greetings and happy new year steemit team.
Congratulations to the Best Community winners for "Steem for Better Life" . You all are a very good community and have worked hard in building performance in this year to achieve success, Congratulations to the managers of Steem for Betterlife community as winners of The Steemit Awards.
Congratulations for the Community,
And congratulations for all members of Steem For Betterlife,
This is for us and let's keep fighting together and be better in the next year.
Felicitaciones a todo el equipo y a cada miembro de la Comunidad que han hecho esto posible, con sus obras, recompensas compartidas, publicaciones y comentarios frecuentes, delegaciones y participación activa.
Steem For Betterlife está en el TOP, sigamos trabajando para mantenerla allí.
Congratulation. STEEM ON!!
Congratulations on winning the 4th best community in 2021, you deserve it, more wins.
Congratulations to our kind comunity for winning the 4th position for the best community.
Felicidades al equipo que forma está hermosa comunidad y a todas las personas ganadores💖🏆merecido premio por su incansable trabajo de esparcir la hermandad y el amor al prójimo, Dios los bendiga 🙏✨
selamat untuk steem for better life yang telah mendapatkan penghargaan terbaik ke 4 dari seluruh komunitas steemit yang ada di dunia ini pada nominasi Best Community Category Pada awards stemit 2021.