in Steem Kids & Parents3 months ago

How are the team members? Alhamdulillah I am fine. Today I went to the wedding house with our relatives. Our relative's house is a hilly area. Their house is on a very high hill. The soils of the mountains are red. Hill people find it difficult to walk during rains. That's why they made stairs to the house by bus. There are many trees on the hill. There are many bamboos in the mountains. The scenery is very beautiful in the mountains.




I have a small flower garden. There are many different types of flowers. One of my rose plants has two new flowers. The flowers are very beautiful. Flowers are symbols of love. Everyone loves flowers.


My uncle has a hydraulic car. The car broke down today. Bring the maker and fix it again. After cleaning the car with water. After cleaning, the sand goes out again to bring it to the field. The car is made in India. The name of the car is Eicher. The car is very beautiful.


We are very happy with our family relatives. We come forward at each other's peril. Wishing everyone the best of luck, I am leaving now.
Allah Hafez

 3 months ago (edited)

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 2 months ago 

thank you so much

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