Still enthusiastic about caring for my beloved grandmother in the hospital.
Welcome to the Ulfatulrahmah Blog.
I hope that today will be blessed for me. I will live this day with enthusiasm. Today is the third day and heading towards the fourth day of looking after my grandmother at RSU Cut Mutia hospital.
After waking up in the morning, I asked my mother for permission to go to the canteen in the hospital to continue breakfast. This morning I was very late for breakfast. Usually every morning at the hospital I have breakfast from 07:00 to 08: 00 but this morning I had breakfast at 09:00 in the hospital cafeteria.
This morning the weather was very sunny, even though the weather was sunny here, the wind was very nice. I didn't feel too hot because I was relaxing in the stall under a big tree. After finishing breakfast on this sunny morning, after paying for my order of fried noodles and drinks, I returned to my grandmother's place of care.
It was approaching noon, I was now with my biological sister in my grandmother's care room, my mother went home at 12:00 to continue doing housework and selling, while I and my biological sister were still looking after my grandmother as usual. Then I received the usual food, including rice and medicine for my grandmother's lunch.
This is routinely done by hospital nurses, my grandmother gets food, rice and medicine every morning, afternoon and evening. So friends, this is what I do every day. Every mealtime, I always feed my grandmother. Every time I do this, I feel very sad when I see my grandmother's sick condition. I always hope that my grandmother will recover quickly.
So friends, the photo above of me feeding my grandmother to eat, the photo was taken by my real sister secretly, hehehe. From 13:00 to 19:00 I was still doing the same activities, namely looking after grandma and helping grandma when she needed something. I am always enthusiastic even though I feel bored all the time indoors.
Usually the mother and other family members return to the hospital around 19:00. Only then can I rest more peacefully when they are, and every night I sleep looking after my grandmother with my mother and my siblings, but my siblings don't sleep in the hospital every day because they are still at school. I also haven't sold for several days, sometimes I really want to sell at the kiosk so I can have extra money. I continue to hope that my grandmother recovers quickly so that I can continue selling at the kiosk again.
Thank you for stopping by my post, See You...Bye, bye!
Ma'am, the service you have done for your grandmother is truly admirable and heartwarming. Thank you for showing such sincere efforts and love. May your every moment be filled with affection and care. Although these tasks may be difficult for you, your love and sense of responsibility for your grandmother is truly extraordinary.
Your loving presence in the midst of the sunny weather in the morning and the breakfast in the canteen will give you more strength. The patience and compassion with which you are taking care of your grandmother is truly inspiring. You are taking care of your grandmother along with your mother, sister and other family members, it is an experience to always remember. Family unity and compassion for each other is the essence of our life.
I appreciate your daily hardships and hard work and wish you all the best. Your sacrifice and care are truly exemplary. I hope your grandmother recovers quickly and normalcy returns to all of your lives. Best wishes for you and your family. I pray for your grandmother's recovery. 🌟💖
Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog saya dan sudah memberikan komentar yang baik untuk saya.
Thank you so much ma'am for sharing your blog and for taking my comment so nicely. I am really glad that you liked my comment. It was really nice to connect with you and share your experiences.
I am always interested in reading your future blog posts and shared experiences. Best wishes and have a beautiful and successful day!
Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.
How is your grandmother's health now? It is a very good habit to serve the elders and it is very good to visit them especially if someone is sick. Many people are worried in your house because your grandmother is unwell in your house, I am very sorry to hear this.Because they are insulting the big family, may Allah bless your grandmother soon, Amen, Amen, Amen... My friend, you have not responded to my message for the past few days, this is the link that I invited you to, which is now the third day, and you have not responded.
Semoga nenek cepat sembuh dan adek juga bisa beraktivitas berjualan seperti biasanya.
Amin kak, terima kasih ya kk sudah bermain ke postingan saya🥰
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Terima kasih banyak atas dukungan nya
Meutuwah cucunya nenek
Lekas sembuh nek🙂
Amin, terima kasih ya bg sudah bermain ke postingan saya
Lebih tepatnya mampir ke padepokannya Ulfa yang kini semakin bersinar di Steemit, dan juga untuk mendoakan supaya neneknya Ulfa lekas sehat kembali seperti dulu. Selamat beristirahat, semoga panjang umur dan berkah. Oke, terimakasih balik sudah menyempatkan untuk membalas komentarnya
Salam kompak
Semoga neneknya cepat sembuh ya dek, beruntung ya dek masih punya nenek, kalau kk jangankan nenek kedua orang tua kk juga sudah tidak ada lagi😭
Iya kk, amin🥰. Bersabarlah ya kk Suryati, semangat semangat 🥺✨
Insyaallah selalu sabar dan bersemangat💪