( August 24, 2021; The Debrief )
- Universal Translators
- Food replicators
- Life sign detectors
- Photon Torpedoes
- Phasers and phase cannons
- Tractor beams
- Warp drive (see video embed)
-h/t RealClear Science
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How does this a Photon Torpedo function? I am not familiar with the term.
I never knew what the technology behind it was. In the show, the photon torpedo just looked like a big ball of light. Here's a description from the linked article.
I'm sorry I didn't get an upvote in before the post paid out. It's been a busy week and I fell behind on curation.
Okay. I get sense of what it is. Not the full picture tho.
Life sign detectors and universal translators are the two most interesting for me, imagine in those places where catastrophes happen, it would be an insurmountable help, and translators, it would be great, to go anywhere in the world without worrying about the language. , This series of trips to the stars is quite futuristic, I remember the little cell phone and now it is a reality, I better not say more, I was already excited :)
Yeah, with sites like Google Translate, Bing Translate, and DEEPL, universal translators are definitely believable. Good point that life sign detectors would be useful for natural disasters. Thanks for the reply!
China in that aspect has a step forward over the United States today I saw the news that China is building or plans to build a colossal-sized spacecraft in space, although I do not know with what intention the Chinese will use it.
But I think that a ship of that size would help us to travel on our own solar system since this spacecraft colossal-sized I imagine that it will not travel at the speed of light due to the dangers that exist in space.
I don't think I had heard of that project. I agree that a massive ship would be useful for traveling in the solar system, but you make a good point that traveling at the speed of light would carry a high risk of collisions - even if possible.
I read the news in this article:
China eyes ‘ultra-large spacecraft’ spanning miles in US$2.3m crewed mission push
It is an ambitious project for the Chinese if this were to become a reality.
Very interesting. Thank you!
The first episode of Star Trek aired five decades. It began as a quirky science-fiction television series that only lasted three seasons. However, the out-of-this-world series was the start of a long-running saga that captivated generations of fans. Its imprints can be found not only in popular culture, but also in science. As new devices are catching up to the tech found in the long-running sci-fi series, Star Trek technology becomes more science than fiction.
According to NASA, most of the scientific knowledge has come to the conclusion that the warp drive is impossible. Especially when considering Einstein's Theory of Relativity. However, modern science continues to make great efforts to implement it.
Star Trek has a long history of future scenes. Creating a world where advanced technologies such as transport beams, torpedoes and phaser have become commonplace. Which is now on the brink of reality.
Technology arises from the need of the human being and also, as can be seen, from his capacity for imagination.
I am not sure I have watched Star Trek, even though I have heard the name countless times. But most of the listed technologies seem very possible.
It had been decades since I had watched Star Trek, but my son and I started watching the original series on Netflix a month or two ago. We only got through a handful of episodes, though, and he's leaving for college soon, so I guess I won't be seeing the rest any time soon.
Yeah.. I know Star Trek goes as far back as Stars Wars. I will try and watch few episodes. If I get hooked.. I will continue for sure.
Technology making easier everything each day, a mobile, tv everything is using nanotech now.
Everything has good and bad things and technology has also.