Jealousy and Denial || A Common Emotion We All Need to Address || 10% beneficiary to @steem-nations

in Steem Nations7 months ago
Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing well.

Today, I will talk about jealousy, commonly known as 'hasad' in everyday language. These are very commonly used words that we often use for others, like saying that someone is jealous of us, or they’ve given us the evil eye, are never happy about our happiness, or are always jealous. But is this only about others? Is it not within us as well? Do we not get jealous of others? Do we not harbor envy? No matter how much someone denies being jealous, this element exists in every person. Just like love is a positive part of us, there is also a negative part. It’s a part of human nature.



The problem starts when we go into denial that no, we don’t feel envy or jealousy and that it’s always the other person who is jealous of us. We are ordinary humans, and we have this dangerous thing inside us, jealousy, which has crept in so deeply that we often don't even realize when it starts, when we begin to have negative thoughts about others, or sometimes we even know we are jealous of someone but still hide that feeling inside us and make hurtful comments to that person, venting our bitterness, thinking why didn’t I get this, why was this blessing given to them by Allah.



There are two paths: either we process it and move on, accepting that everyone gets what is destined for them, or we hide this feeling and say things that ruin both our mood and theirs. We fail to accept that it’s a normal feeling that everyone has, and we need to control it rather than deny it and start being jealous of others. People should understand that this is an emotional feeling and controlling it will lead to a peaceful life for both us and others. We should protect ourselves from negativity, and I know these feelings exist within me too, but I try my best to control them in every possible way by thinking that if this is what was destined for them, then surely there’s something else planned for me. It’s not necessary that what they got, I should get too.



I read somewhere that if you feel these emotions and can’t shake them off, talk openly to someone who won’t judge you, or if you think everyone will judge you, then start journaling. Write down every feeling, take it out of your heart put it on paper, and keep writing until you’ve vented everything. Eventually, you’ll reach a point where you’ll stop and think, why am I doing this, why am I overthinking? I should be happy because Allah has blessed me with so much too, so why am I jealous of someone else’s success?



Just decide that whenever you feel bad about someone, start writing, and you’ll realize why you’re feeling this way. But this is very difficult; controlling your mind and emotions is tough because we haven’t taught this since childhood, what Islam says about this, and what Islamic teachings are regarding human emotions. As a child, you don’t know if what you’re being taught is right or wrong, but when you grow up and develop your thinking, you realize that you’re not always right and others aren’t always wrong. Some people know they’re wrong but still don’t bend, saying sorry feels like a big deal to them, as if bowing down is a sign of weakness, and even when they’re at fault, they want the other person to bow down.



We should think that Allah can bless anyone as much as He wants; His treasures are limitless, so who are we to be jealous? We should practice patience and gratitude. My advice is to trust Allah and have faith, and He will bless you so much that you’ll get tired of thanking Him. I hope you find something good in this post, and if you learn something, it will make me very happy.

 7 months ago 

Wonderfully expressed! You have highlighted such a crucial part of human nature. Its really resonates to all humans, However, acknowledging and dealing with it through patience and gratitude can bring about a peaceful life.
Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful post.

 7 months ago 

I'm glad that you liked it❤️

 7 months ago 

Jealousy is a feeling we've all felt at one time or another, but it's hard to admit. We often ignore it because it is associated with feelings of weakness or insecurity. But ignoring or denying jealousy makes the problem even more complicated. It creates distance in relationships and disgust in hearts.

Jealousy is important to understand and accept. First, we have to admit that we are experiencing this feeling, then see what is the root of it. Then, express your feelings in a positive way. We can see it as an indication of our inner fear or lack and use it to improve ourselves. Only by admitting our feelings can we become stronger and truer in our relationships.

 7 months ago 


 7 months ago 

Such a beautiful post.. articulated so beautifully .... Every word speaks louder. I'm blessed to be able to witness such post..Thank you🙏

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words❤️

 7 months ago 

How maturely you have described the topic! Only sensible person can think and write upon such topics. Feeling good after reading your post.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for such kind words.
I'm glad that you liked it.