#Club75 - Curation Report with @steemcurator05 for January 30th 2021 - @fendit

Curation report with @steemcurator05 for Latinamerican users
As we have organized and coordinated with the rest of the CRs from Latinamerica, we have been curating posts from latinamerican users related to The Diary Game.
By doing this, we hope to encourage and support as many latinamerican users as we can, so that they feel appreciated in the platform and happy to keep on sharing with us their posts.

This is the detail of my curated posts for January 30th 2021:
Thank you all for reading!
It's nice to be able to support and help all latinamerican users that give out so much to this platform by creating content and helping all of us grow!

Hola querida amiga @fendit buenas tardes
Es admirable el trabajo que haces; Sin dudas esta haciendo un trabajo de reconocimiento y motivación formidable, muchas personas nos sentimos felices al sentirnos reconocidos y apoyados en lo que hacemos
Que pases una hermosa tarde
Muchisimas gracias amigo!!
Super aprecio estas palabras tan lindas uqe siempre tenes para decir!!
Espero que tengas un hermoso dia y estes mejor de salud!!