Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program|| Week 14 - YOOOOO... Let's Have A Party!!!
Digital art by @hanna716 and @mikejosephortega. 50% rewards for @steem.amal
Hellow Redfish aka Aneuk Seurideng!
Let's check the table!

We have 27 participants on Level 1 now, and it's always fun to see how they grow with high spirit and responsible action for anything they do on steemit. @wantimaulidar, You're amazing for keeping up your phase, and as a reward, I think you deserve to keep the delegated SP for 2 more weeks. @santolix, I finally see you are alive and rock!! I=Good job on powering up your account @fantvwiki, @ulyarahmi, @debimarissa, @jcorner, @prilly, @hamidsteem, @mujibrahman, and @yanijenewa. You are all AMAZING!!
Next will be level 2 of Salmon Wannabe!

One of my excitement when running this program is to watch how the salmon wannabe acts in the race arena. They're taking the long-run activity but so stable, Great Endurance for sure! I'm so curious to see who's next going to graduate and got a surprise by 3 graduates at once today. Alright, we'll have the party later!
Now let's see how is the activity of each participant and I always find something interesting and curious about how this activity related to their power-up or account growing? Small power account love to Upvote so much and seldom comment usually because of the RC/bandwidth problem. But there's also something weird like "posting more than comments, are you an old newspaper?" hahaha... you know, you keep posting and doesn't care who read, as long as you get the upvote, so what??
Well, I don't envy this type of steemian though. But it's their luck, so I won't bother to drag them down. If you are smart enough, you can compare between the growth and activities. I'll do some wrap-up one day. Just check this out and mind your own business because you have your own target and readers.

Sorry that this table getting small and smaller because I have 44 names on the list, need to find a way to create an eyes-friendly one later. Huft.. I have so many things I want to do, but so little time to implement all the ideas. I don't even have time to reply to your comment in time. I haven't discussed with @el-nailul about many things like we used to do.
Good News is I will get 3 names out next week!
Let's Have a Party!!

Congraduations to @miftahulrizky, @mahyulmaulana and @realworld23, each of you will get 5 steem rewards from @dipoabasch for completing the mission of this program, you become my 6th, 7th, and 8th Graduates! of course, the three of you are eligible to get 200 SP delegations each for 2 weeks. SO happy to see more SALMON in the community now. Keep Up the good job on growing, Next target is Dolphin!
My small project for the Level 1 participants
the participants :
- @mujibrahman >>
- @andryea >>
- @kinghearts >>
- @realworld23 >>
- @zullfahmi >>
- @prilly >>
it is interesting to read your posts, not too creative but I think this is quite nice to represent a few of the other participants. The Truth, I can't choose which one is best from the 6 options, but I want to appreciate all of you for your participation. I will send all of you, 4 steem each. My bad, I'm so picky when I choose what I really like, hehehe.
What about best comment?
It goes to @lord-geraldi! why? because he is there on your post to comment and engage !
A shout to @anroja
I will message you about who to delegate the SP to and who to Undelegate from. I need to do bookkeeping about this to organize things before I started something else next week. Thanks as always, Ketua!
All prizes will be sent out tomorrow because I need to go back to work after this and will do everything after my shift is over.
🏆 Hi @cicisaja! You have received 0.05 STEEM reward for this post from the following subscribers: @tyrnannoght
Subscribe and increase the reward for @cicisaja :) | For investors.
Saya tidak tau apakah yang saya lakukan itu cukup memuaskan diri saya, bagi saya itu hanya pekerjaan yang utama selagi ada waktu saya terus berkarya, terimakasih kak ini menjadi satu dorongan untuk terus berkarya.
jangan dipikirkan, kerjakan saja yang mana senang bang, ketimbang facebook yang nggak menghasilkan apa-apa, masih mending nulis-nulis disini, biarpun sedikit, ada lah hasilnya
benar kak, asal ada waktu saya hambo kak
Terimakasih banyak @cicisaja atas informasi,, terimakasih banyak sudah mencantumkan nama saya,, salam
ya sama-sama semoga semakin baik ke depannya nanti
Amiinnn,, isya allah,,
Terimakasih sis
sama-sama, silakan ikuti saja jejak senior yang sudah duluan lulus. apa yang mereka lakukan dan baca-baca banyak saran dari yang lain juga. intinya, bersteemitlah dengan gembira. program ini tidak memaksakan peserta untuk segera lulus
Siap kk
Terimakasih atas informasinya kak cici saja
pertahankan kebiasaan baiknya yaa, coba lebih banyak berkomentar juga... kerja bagus!!
Terimakasih kak. Saya akan melakukannya
Terima kasih kak @cicisaja
sama-sama, semangat terus yaaa, tunggu giliran dapat delegasi juga nanti
InsyaAllah kedepannya akan lebih baik lagi...
tentu saja hars begitu, dan jangan berhenti di angka 500
Doakan saya selalu cutkak...🙏🙏🙏
Terima kasih kaka @cicisaja informasi yang sangat bermanfaat dan ditunggu tunggu dari kemaren😊.salam sukses kak!!
waahh maaf ya, steem belum cukup niyh, minggu ke 16 nanti baru bisa saya kirimkan steemnya
Hallo kak @cicisaja setelah saya melihat kontes ini kak, justru itu saya akan mengikuti nya, mohon Bimbingannya kak🙏🙏
kamu sudah punya SP 500, kontes ini hanya untuk mereka yang masih dibawah 450 SP. coba saja ikut program berkomentar paling banyak yaaa
Aku ingin seperti sobat steemian yang berhasil.
asal mau melakukan tindakan dasar seperti membalas komentar dan berkomentar serta tidak melakukan re-post, bisa jadi perkembangannya bakal lebih cepat dibanding rekan lain bang, jangan mau kalah.
Oke ini merupakan balasan juga kan dek.