Historical event - Steemit Weekly contest || Harappa Museum || by @ahsansharif

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago


First greeting to all, I hope you all are well and good and enjoy a happy moments of life. I am also good Alhamdulillah.
Here I show you a historical City Harappa Museum. This is very beautiful place. Below I explain about Harappa.

Historical Place Harappa Meuseum

I am going to talk about my city Harappa which is a historical city. This ancient and historic city was inhabited here about five thousand years ago. This ancient city is centuries old. It may be that there is a tyrant king here who used to oppress his people so much that the torment came from Allah Almighty on this nation and Allah Almighty destroyed them. It is also rumored that it was destroyed about seven times. As other nations settled here, they invoked the gods to see the civilization of the old people, and it turned out that they were well-educated and knew the latest technology.
The area which has been destroyed by the torment of Allah Almighty has been taken over by the government of Pakistan. Various things can be excavated in it.


Harappa Museum History Board

There used to be a lot of excavation here from which a lot of things came out from below because all the people have been buried in it and human skeletons have been discovered in it and cloth has also been discovered. They were going according to the times.
The Harappa Museum is located at a distance of about two kilometers from our house where you have to buy a ticket to enter, which is very low. The price is Rs. 20 which every servant can pay. Because it is under the government of Pakistan.



When we get tickets and enter, a cinema is being built on its right side which will start recently and on its left side there are two beautiful plots in which people come and sit and sometimes there There is a room type building between these two plots which is quite long. It has all kinds of things that were found during the excavations.


Cinema soon


Green Plat

This room has all kinds of things of the old people and human skeletons that were found here at the time of God have been saved and kept here so that it does not deteriorate.
By looking at these things, one can find out all the activities of the people of the past, what they knew about and what they did not know about, and there are also weapons of war from which they know. He may have known about the war and how to defend himself.





Similarly, when we leave this room and move on, there is a hostel at the front where people come and stay. People who come here from far away or from abroad come to stay overnight. They are housed in a hostel which is very beautiful. There are plots around it which are covered with green grass which looks very beautiful.



I went there during the Corona virus epidemic to get a solution because of which the canteen there used to get food from here. It was closed. I am not saying anything about it. And someone used to come here and enjoy.
Beyond that when we go there we will see huge mountains made of mud with trees on them. These mountains were actually destroyed by the people who lived here in the old days. Allah Almighty destroyed them. It was mingled with dust, and their roofs were torn down, and the earth was lifted up and thrown upon them, so that they became mountains.


Clay Mountain

It has paved roads for walking which are very beautifully made and there are also chairs for sitting so that you can sit on it and breathe because there is a lot of climbing here and there. If a person gets tired due to.




Sitting Place


Road with Sitting Place

And as we move on, we find out about some of the living quarters of the people that came up during the excavations. How the system was run, your drains are made and there is a well from which they used to get water.


Place of Residence


Water System

A trench was also found there, which shows that they also knew how to defend themselves, which is why they made the trench, and there are their tools here, which made it even more certain that they Knew their defense.



Where the people who lived there were Muslims because during the excavation an old mosque was also found here which shows that the people there were Muslims and believed in Allah.



There is also a tomb of an elder of that time whose name was Hazrat Baba Noor Waliullah. The tomb they have here is about nine yards long, which shows that the people of old were much taller and taller.



People from all over our country come here for sightseeing, trips to schools, colleges and universities, even people from abroad come here for sightseeing because it is a historical place that everyone should visit. Wishes everyone is eager to come here.

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All Picture is Real

DeviceVivo y15
LocationCity Harappa, District Sahiwal, Province Punjab, Country Pakistan
PhotographerMe @ahsansharif

"I consent to the publication and distribution of my article in the electronic and paper versions of "Steemit Weekly "and in all social media."

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Wow I loved knowing that place in your country looks impressive and full of great stories, I was impressed by the nine meter long tomb, why will it be so long? One person couldn't measure that much, could he?


 4 years ago 

Wow I loved knowing that place in your country looks impressive and full of great stories, I was impressed by the nine meter long tomb,

Thanks for love my country place.

why will it be so long? One person couldn't measure that much, could he?

As you know, people of the past used to be tall, which is why Baba Noor is one of those families who are so tall.

Wow I had no knowledge of that, thanks to your publication I found out about that story

 4 years ago 

Ohh 😯 really. I am very glad to see that you know about this place with reference of my post.

 4 years ago 

Thank you for your entry. Thanks to you I have learned about the new place I didn't know before.

I appreciate the original photos and plagiarism free publication.

 4 years ago 

Thank you for your entry

I thankful to you for this contest 💟

Thanks to you I have learned about the new place I didn't know before.

Yes very little people know this post.

I appreciate the original photos and plagiarism free publication.

Thanks for appreciate me 💗☺️