Better life dairey game with steem." Pleasant home life"

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago

Assalam o Alaikum!
May you all good and happy in life.
In this dairey (post) discuss about our daily life and Pleasant home life.
So here I'm starting.
"The family plays the role of a unit in the formation of any society. Community health is closely linked to peace and contentment in the home. An ideal home is one in which there is peace and tranquility and a happy relationship. Where parents play a role in the peace and tranquility of the home, good children also fulfill their responsibilities in raising them according to their status. In the house where the disobedient children come out, the peace and tranquility of the house is destroyed, just as the head of the house who is accustomed to violence, killing and fighting, the house also loses peace and tranquility. The teachings of Islam are very clear in this regard. Allah Almighty has instructed men in the Qur'an to treat women kindly. Allah Almighty states in verse 19 of Surah An-Nisa ': "And live with them in a good way." Allaah has stated in the Qur'aan that just as men have rights over women, so do women have rights over men. However, men have a degree of superiority over them. Allaah says in verse 228 of Surah Baqarah: "
Along with the mutual rights of men and women, Allah Almighty has also made men rulers or guardians in their homes. Allah Almighty states this fact in verse 34 of Surah An-Nisa 'as follows: “Men rule over women because of the superiority that Allah has bestowed on some of them over others and because of what they have done. Spend from your wealth. ”One of the main purposes of making a man a caretaker is to enable him to play a role in the training of his family and to guide them in matters of religion and the world. In verse 6 of Surah Tahrir, Allah (swt) describes the responsibility of the believers in this regard as follows: “O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from the Fire whose fuel is men and stones. " Similarly, in Surah Ta Ha, Allah (swt) has stated that man should establish prayers himself and should also order his family to offer prayers. In verse 132 of Surah Ta Ha, it is said: "And enjoin on your family the prayer, and you (yourselves) shall observe it."
Regarding the training of children and their success, Allah (swt) has described the role of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) in the Qur'an in great detail that he used to pray for his children and share them in good deeds. used to. Allah Almighty has mentioned many beautiful prayers of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) in Surah Ibrahim. Verses 35 to 41 of Surah Ibrahim describe these prayers as follows: “And when Ibrahim said: My Lord! Make this city (Makkah) peaceful and keep me and my sons away from worshiping idols. ۔ O my Lord! Indeed, they have led many people astray. Then whoever follows me, then surely he is with me, and whoever disobeys me, then indeed, You are Forgiving, Merciful. Our Lord! Surely We have made our offspring to dwell in a valley which is not near to any of your sacred houses. Our Lord! That they may establish the prayer, so that they may incline their hearts towards them, and provide them with fruits, that they may give thanks. Our Lord! Lo! Thou knowest what we conceal and what we reveal, and there is nothing concealed from Allah in the heavens and the earth. All praise is due to Allah Who has given me Ishmael and Isaac in spite of my old age. Surely my Lord is the Hearer of prayer. O my Lord! Make me one who keeps up prayer, and of my offspring, our Lord! And accept my prayer. Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and all the believers on the day when the reckoning will be established.
While Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH) asked for beautiful prayers for his children, he also shared Hazrat Ismail (PBUH) with him in the construction of Bait-ul-Allah and also prayed for the acceptance of this deed from Allah (swt). Allah Almighty narrates this incident in verse 127 of Surah Baqarah as follows: “And when Ibrahim was raising the foundations of the House of Allah and also Ishmael (and he was praying), O our Lord, accept from us (this). Service) Indeed, You are the Hearer, the Knower.
Similarly, Allah Almighty has mentioned in the Holy Quran that Hazrat Luqman (as) had given beautiful advice to his son. Valuable advice for the good of religion and the world is given in verses 13 to 18 of Surah Luqman as follows: “And when Luqman said to his son while he was giving advice: O my son! Do not associate partners with Allah. Indeed, associating partners with Allah is a great injustice. And We have bequeathed to man a treat with his parents. He was borne by his mother for her infirmity (in spite of weakness) and for weaning her in two years (and) that you may be thankful. To Me and to my parents is the return of Me. And if they both urge you to associate with Me that which you have no knowledge of, then do not obey them, and deal with them in a good manner in this world, and Follow the path of one who turns to Me, then to Me is your return, and I will inform you of what you used to do. O my dear son! Verily, if it be equal to a grain of mustard seed, then be it in a rock, or in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will surely bring it forth. Beware O my dear son! So establish prayer and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, it is one of the deeds of courage. And do not spread your face for the people and do not walk arrogantly in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like any arrogant or proud person.
From these blessed verses it is clear that parents should advise their children to do good deeds and if the advice is not effective then the father or husband can take appropriate action against his family. Along with the rights of the father, the children and the wife also have the rights to be financially supported and to have equality between the children and to have their opinion respected at the time of marriage of the girl child. If the family system suffers from an imbalance, then the elders of both men and women should intervene so that the domestic system can function properly. Allah Almighty states this fact in verse 35 of Surah An-Nisa 'as follows: “And if you fear a dispute between the two, then appoint a judge from his (husband's) family and a judge from his (wife). From the family of 'If they both want reform (then) Allah will create harmony between the two of them' Indeed Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.
If there is no solution at the domestic level, then Allah Almighty has left the power of divorce to the man. If a man abuses a woman and keeps her suspended and does not divorce her, the woman can also go to court to annul the marriage. That is, if there is no possibility of maintaining the domestic system, the issue can be resolved through divorce or annulment, but if there is a possibility of improvement or reform in the home, it can be resolved at the social level. ۔ In Western societies, the law is often used to resolve domestic disputes. Unfortunately, attempts are now being made to enforce such laws in society, which religious classes and scholars have reservations about. That is why the Domestic Violence Prevention Bill to be introduced in the National Assembly and Senate has been sent to the Ideological Council for review. The scholars in the Ideological Council will certainly make recommendations in this regard that are in line with religious teachings and Eastern traditions so that the structure of Muslim society and Eastern families can be maintained and protected from the blind imitation of the West."
In this post I'm use some versa translate into English so there any mistakes seeing then tell me to edit.

Pleasant home life!

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