1,234 Words Translated for SuiteCRM | English to Cebuano Translation | Part 1
Project Details

SuiteCRM is a software fork of the popular customer relationship management (CRM) system from SugarCRM. It became popular when SugarCRM decided to stop development of its open source version. It is a free and open source alternative application based on the last open-source SugarCRM release, and contains many additional enhancements and new modules. It was released on October 21, 2013 as version 7.0, and provides upgrade paths for existing SugarCRM users.
Links related to the translation
Description | Links |
My Crowdin Profile | rejzons |
My Crowdin Activity Link | rejzons' Activities |
Translation Project Link | Crowdin - SuiteCRM |
Link of the Project’s Github Repository | Github - SuiteCRM |
Profile as a Translator and Proofreader:

Project Activity Link
Project File | From | To |
en_us.lang.php | 8 words (0%) | 1, 234 words (66%) |
Source Language
The source language of the project is English, United Kingdom.
Translated Language
I translated the said files into Cebuano. As for today, a total of 41, 785 words are left for translation.
Number Of Words
I have translated a total of 1, 234 words for this contribution. As of today, there a total of 1,269 (submitted and presented) words that I translated from the project’s total translatable words of 53, 504 words.

Proofread Words

Proof Photos

Previous translation on the same project
This is my first translation contribution for this project.
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