No. 527
Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
This is a project to support young artists of traditional Art and photography on Steem.
Welcome to our Magazine and we are happy to present you our selected works. Hope you are doing well and it is always a pleasure to see our Visual art creators with their creative expressions. As always we are curating the posts on daily basis despite of having some gaps in producing the Magazine.
Hope you enjoy our selection.

Today's selected Artist
Abstracting Old Figurative Paintings By @ronthroop

"Demigod" (original sketch on a craft paper) by @summonerrk

Road into the Mountains By @fumansiu

My first April painting (Boy and Nature) - Full Colors by @stefaniaveliz

More Puppies By @brianhphotos

Dibujo de Nueva Ave By @marcocosta

Living room - 3D interior design by @jorgevandeperre

Watercolor "Flowers in a transparent vase". Акварель «Цветы в прозрачной вазе» by: @yurche

Menggambar melukis pemandangan alam. 6 April 2022 by: @rahim.art72


Sunset I Watercolour Painting by @manisha.jain9
Your contribution would greatly appreciated,Sincerely,
@stef1 and @myskye


If you would like to delegate to the Art-Venture Project you can do so by clicking on the following links:
250 SP 500 SP 1000 SP 3000 SP
our Supporters
@stefaniaveliz me encanta!
That is indeed great painting with such beautiful play with colours :)
heeey disculpe por no responder a tiempo, casi no tengo internet D: MUCHAS GRACIAAAAAS
Пожалуй, это мой фаворит на сегодня, за окном снова метель... :)
Perhaps this is my favorite for today, there is a snowstorm outside the window again ... :)
Да, такие картины согревают!!! ( а то ночью и у нас метель опять)
у нас дня три метелит)) вот и захотелось тёплого)
У нас потеплело и там или здесь можно видеть зветочки, поэтому уже весеннее настроение :)
Это да)) Сейчас за бортом +10С
Собираюсь прогуляться, пора уже))
Thank you so much. Here is the follow up post, and after that I think I am finished abstracting for a while.
And one for the road:
I Say It's Not An Abstract Picture of Rose Smiling 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 16 x 20"
Always merry and bright!
While watching some abstract painting everyone can recognize something on his own way. For me this one looks like a building in background with green light traffic light :)
Very cool. Infinite interpretations!
thanks for the mention!
Welcome Ruslan, nice to have you in our selection :)
Thank you, for considering my work!
That living room looks very cozy and inviting :)
Very good job to all! 💙
Thank you Stefany :)
Best work
Thank you :)
I liked the second from the last entry @art-venture :)
Thank you @cryptopie, it is always a pleasure to hear form you, glad you like our selection :)
Congratulations!!! 💜💜
Thank you :)