Astronomical Dreams!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

By some people's estimations, I have spent the vast majority of my life in pursuit of the more or less useless.


I don't take offense at such assertions because I recognize that such "usefulness" is largely based on the notion of commercial value. In order to be considered useful, we must be able to generate large amounts of money.

And — by that yardstick — I am a pretty useless individual!

It also reminds me of part of my not particularly illustrious University career, during which I thought that what I most wanted to do was study astronomy.

That's not exactly a field that's going to land you a high-powered corporate job anywhere!


At the tender age of 22, I already didn't care very much about my commercial value, much to the disappointment of my mother... who had always been hopeful that I might become a doctor or an engineer or — at worst — a partner in a law firm.

When I started talking about astronomy during one of my obligatory parental visits, my mother first thought I meant astrology and appropriately shook her head at my obvious "silliness."

Of course, I clarified that it was about the science of stars and the cosmos but she was still not impressed and primarily opined that it seemed unlikely that I would be able to get a job with such an education.


Now, I should point out here — with only a small amount of cynicism — that my mother believed the only appropriate job for a young man was one that would make him attractive to social climbing gold diggers... much like herself (sorry, mom, but it's the truth)... and had very little to do with whether or not it would result in a happy son.

In her defense, however, I will say that she was always open to my many strange choices, even if she were never able to refrain from asking me when I was "planning to get a REAL job."

In the end, my fascination with Astronomy did not end and stays with me to this day, but my pursuit of it as a a University course of study and subsequent career ended after about a year, because I had circled back to my original love of writing.

Let the record show that I actually got my degree in Finance and Marketing...


Had I stayed with Astronomy, it is likely that I would have focused on the search for exoplanets and the attendant potential for extraterrestrial life.

When I was at University, the idea of planets orbiting other stars was purely theoretical, and there was quite a few scientists who believed that our solar system with its planet might be rare or possibly unique in the universe.

In fact, the first planet orbiting another star wasn't discovered and confirmed until 1995 — ten years after I graduated from University! And that discovery was a huge deal.

As I write these words — in mid-January 2025 — there are 5,819 confirmed planets cataloged by astronomers... thanks to ever improving telescopic technology.


Some are not unlike our own planet Earth, and I expect it is only a matter of time before it will be determined that there are planets capable of giving rise to and sustaining carbon-based life forms such as ourselves!

I wonder if they will have their own version of cryptocurrency?

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about you? Did you ever have an interest in astronomy? Do you think we will find life on other plnaets? Or will that life find US? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2025.01.16 00:13 PST



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through @steemcurator04. Good post here should be..


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 2 months ago 

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