STOP TALKING WHEN YOU ARE ANGRYsteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

I am sure all of us heard it once or twice in our life. Don't speak when you are furious and fuelled by anger. But, none of us really put it into practice. We say things we don't mean. Things we don't truly believe.

It's just a passing thought that was supposed to be gone in a minute never to matter. But, in our anger, we voice it. We can't take it back. It hurts our loved ones.

We all know we shouldn't do that. But, we do. It hurts the people we care most about. Even when they forgive us. It still lives inside their heart. They know, they shouldn't carry it as it was said but not meant. But, they do. Something they reveal when they are angry. And the cycle continues.

Originally posted by me in


I think one way to go about this is to say things we hide when we are in love and joking around. Say it in a comedic voice. So, we get a lighthearted way to pass it off but also know what we each harbor that we don't mean to.

We are truly lonely creatures. No one else we will ever understand what goes through our heads unless we tell them. Our merit lies in the fact that we can speak and we can express our emotions in a thousand different ways. So, let's use those and keep our loved ones close.


Hola @moronuttom, tienes razón, cuando estamos calmados todos sabemos que debemos controlarnos en momentos de rabia, pero cuando estamos molestos lo olvidamos . Por eso me gusta tu frase:

Nuestro mérito radica en el hecho de que podemos hablar y expresar nuestras emociones de mil formas diferentes. Entonces, usemos esos y mantengamos a nuestros seres queridos cerca.

Si hablar es un privilegio, deberíamos usarlo correctamente, en especial para mantener a los queremos cerca y no alejarlos o herirlos.
Muy buena publicación.
Saludos 😊