Update on Steem's Facebook promotion campaign

It's been a while since I updated you on what I've been up to. Last time, thanks to this post, I raised funds for the first campaign to promote Steem on Facebook. For a while I couldn't start doing anything because I didn't reach the threshold amount to convert Steem to national currency. Eventually, enough funds accumulated in my own wallet to withdraw them along with advertising funds. I could start experimenting.

The first campaign was exclusively test. To conduct it, I chose this post as the target page. Targeting was set exclusively for English-speaking countries, but without European Union countries. In order to conduct advertising campaigns in the European Union, you need to fulfill more requirements, in particular, to do it as a legal entity. Too bad. I would like to see more people from Europe on Steemit.

This first Steem promotion campaign ended prematurely. I made a mistake when specifying the payment information, the funds were debited from the wrong account and they quickly ran out. The results of the first campaign looked like this:

  • impressions - 3790
  • coverage - 2933
  • link clicks - 26
  • expenses - 86.27 hryvnias ($2.05)

I was pleasantly surprised by the results, because for just $2, a lot of people learned about Steem, namely 2933 people, and 26 of them actually became interested in it because they followed the link.

I was ready to run a new campaign. But the eternal question arose: "How exactly to promote Steem?" We lack programmers and investors, we have a number of good authors. Is it possible to find an investor using advertising? Very unlikely. Is it possible to interest a programmer with the help of advertising? I think with the background of the negative image of Steem on the Internet, it will be extremely difficult. And then it occurred to me that investors and programmers themselves will come to Steem if it is crowded, if there are many talented authors here, and people will want to read posts published in Steemit.

I remembered how once in 2007 I bought my first computer and connected my first unlimited Internet. I soon learned that there are tons of new personal blogs popping up online every day. At that time, it was quite difficult to start a blog. It was necessary to learn the basics of website building, to pay for hosting and a domain. But even that did not stop people. It seemed like everyone around wanted to be a blogger. People had something to say.

Steemit offers a ready-made solution. Press the button and write, you will be heard and you will receive a reward. It should get people interested like they used to, because people like to express their opinion.

I wrote a new landing page and started a new campaign to promote Steem. This time I chose very broad targeting, including countries in North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. The only region where I can't promote Steem is the European Union.

This time I got the following results:

  • impressions - 23207
  • coverage - 12163
  • link clicks - 1057
  • expenses - 399.71 hryvnias ($9.50)

I will also provide screenshots of the results of both campaigns, but they will not be very informative for you, since everything is written in Ukrainian:

Further plans

I haven't spent all the money on advertising yet, so I plan to continue this activity. Originally, I wanted to use as a landing page one of the posts about Justin Sanh's message on the X network, where he promises a big new project on Steemit based on AI. But I don't want the mention of AI to create the wrong associations for new users. I'm afraid we could end up with hundreds of authors posting AI generated posts. So I will look for other potential landing pages or maybe create one.

I will keep the community informed of the results as it helps me raise funds for my Steem promotion campaigns.

With best regards,

 2 months ago 

Impressive response rates for such a small budget.

It is still in beta at the moment, but when we have released the newer version do you think Steem Atlas would be a suitable option to promote Steem on Facebook?

It is a way to show off some of the better quality content on Steem without the problems of the trending page.

 2 months ago 

These were test campaigns, so I allocated a small budget. But you are right, the result is amazing.

do you think Steem Atlas would be a suitable option to promote Steem on Facebook?

I think this is a great idea! The Steem Atlas illustrates very well how global Steem is. In addition, people are always interested in reading and communicating with people from their region. Steem Atlas can be a great start for new regional communities.

May I have one question? Site maintenance requires certain financial costs. At the same time, I don't see any ads on https://steematlas.com/. Do you plan to somehow monetize the site or will you maintain it at your own expense?

 2 months ago 

Glad you like the idea.

Regarding financing the Steem Atlas project, currently I am fortunate to be in the witness Top 20 so the witness rewards will help cover the costs.

Beyond that it would be good to develop a fully sustainable business model for the site and its development.

Adverts would be an option but the usage numbers will need to build up considerably before that is worth pursuing.

Another possible option would be requesting users set a beneficiary (maybe 10%) to the project account (@steem-atlas). People's willingness to do this would depend I think on how much curation value we can offer to posts on the site.

One further option would be the Steem DAO. This might be particularly useful for development costs. We have many ideas on how to improve and expand the value of the site but that will take development time and cost.

 2 months ago 

it would be good to develop a fully sustainable business model for the site and its development.

I thought about that too. Even if you are a top witness, it will be difficult to maintain a project that is not profitable or at least not self-sustaining. I think funding from DAO will be extremely difficult to get. Authors will also be reluctant to share their rewards. The most optimal option, in my opinion, is unobtrusive advertising. This will put the burden of financing the project not on users, but on advertisers. Of course, for this site traffic must be measured in thousands. I think you know all this very well. 🙂

If you have a site traffic counter, then in the future it would be good to evaluate the effectiveness of promoting the project on Facebook and whether it will give the necessary increase in traffic. It will be possible to conduct a test campaign, after which to evaluate whether there is a noticeable steady increase in traffic. It is important that people who learn about Steem Atlas remain regular users.

 2 months ago 

Yes, advertising will be useful.

But that will likely be a long way off to reach the user traffic levels to make it attractive to advertisers.

I didn't come to try out the atlas yet ( no travelling and an old post cannot be added or?) but I would set 10% no matter the upvote. It is what many communities ask even if they do not upvote.
A good Sunday/week.



 2 months ago 

@wakeupkitty - thank you for your thoughts on setting a beneficiary. We may suggest that to people on a voluntary basis if they want to support the project.

Let me know what to set if you de ided how or what.

@ wakeupkitty



I'd like to post a notice on my linkedin and in both my facebook accounts, letting everybody know I'm here and maybe get a couple more steemians. It would probably reach some 10 k persons in europe. Do you have any kind of image you would advise me to use as a calling card?
Thanks in advance,

Hi, I'm glad you want to do such a cool thing. I might suggest using some image from this page or the page in general: https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@hardphotographer/landing-page-for-steemit-v1

Thanks. I will, and I'll drop you the screensaves here, after I do it.

About 2 weeks ago I raised a question in a Telegram community about the format used to calculate the percentage of tax deductions in Steemit. I didn’t receive a single response. It’s about an Israeli Ukrainian-speaking community in Telegram, where the age group is approximately 20 to 40 years old. It seemed very strange to me, as if no one was interested in either crypto or blogs.
I had prepared several answers in advance in case people asked what it is and how it worked, to attract more people to our community. But unfortunately, I didn’t get to use them.

 2 months ago 

Не варто дивуватися. Люди сприйняли це з недовірою. Не так давно в нас набув популярності мережевий маркетинг. Деякі люди повірили, що можуть на цьому заробити ціле багатство. Для цього їм потрібно було залучити якомога більше людей. Як наслідок, вони ходили по людях і нависали зі своїми обіцянками ефемерного багатства. Люди стали недовірливими і коли їм сказати, що ти можеш отримати винагороду за щось, то перша реакція - недовіра. Гадаю у вашій групі була схожа реакція. Вони подумали, що ви хочете заробити за їхній рахунок.

 2 months ago 

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