Macrophotography - Predator Face Long Legs Grasshopper
Tonight, I will show you again the type of Predator Face Long-Legged Grasshopper, which I found on my journey to find mushrooms, insects and beetles and various other types in the Aceh forest, and today, you will see a type of grasshopper that has long legs with a face like a predator, some unique forms of this grasshopper are:
- the eyes have lines
- has 2 pairs of unique small hands on its face
- jumping speed 2 x faster than other grasshoppers.
- can hide behind leaves quickly.
Well, in the discovery of this type of grasshopper, that's what I faced when photographing it, although it disappeared quickly, however, this type is not far from our original position, and when this type disappears, the photographer can relax for a moment, and this type will reappear above the leaves, this is the habit of this type of grasshopper.
although it had jumped several times in the other direction, however, I was able to photograph some close-up images with a macro lens with good results, let's see below:
Well, that's the result of the macro lens that I have, and at the end of this, for Steem users who want to learn macro portraits from a close distance, like the picture above, prepare your free time okay, if you don't know the location, I will be happy to pick you up and take you to the macro learning area behind the WOX Coffee Shop Building and PC Repair.
keep smiling and happy learning macrophotography
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Didn't you promise to resume the macro contest? :)
Maybe the time has come?
ya bambuka, tentu saya akan melakukannya :))
🖐 😊 👍