LuvBug Blog Curation ❤️ 18th May 2024 ❤️

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Ready to dive into the good stuff?

We've combed through the wild world of Steemit and stumbled upon some real gems. Get ready to step into the minds and lives of both seasoned pros and those just starting to flex their creative muscles.

Our mission? To bring you a cool collection of awesome blogs that'll light up your curiosity, fuel your imagination, and have you craving more!


NB: Selected content is not just for posts which appear to to be "excellent" on face value - it is also about encouraging growth in writers and recognising effort - so please remember... we are ALL learning here! If you are not learning, you are not growing! A little bit of engagement and encouragement can go a long way.

So, let's give a virtual high-five to the amazing content creators who make Steemit the rad universe of captivating content that it is! Sharing is caring as they say, so please DO show some upvote & share support to the ones which you really enjoy!

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Our objective is to help you grow

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Let's highlight the great content on Steemit!

It is impossible to find ALL the good content out there, so if you feel that one of your posts deserves some more love and attention or you would just like to share it because you believe it to be a good piece - please drop the link in the comments and I will do my best to get to as many as possible (within reason). Also - if you have spotted a really awesome blog by someone else, please feel free to share that in the comments too!

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Right! Now that all the logistical mumbo jumbo is out the way, let's move on to the featured content!


18th May 2024



Van Life Update.

written by @andrewmarkmusic

My planned one winter of Van Life in 2020 is now into its fifth year thanks to my being a Palestinian:-P Shite governance by the archons ya know... I must say Van Life is way better out in the woods rather than being in the heart of Zion. But I had to come back here to get access to my doctor and to deal with the insurance company. 10-months later those endeavours have been accomplished.



Good Market And Celebration

written by @loolluv

Greatings to beautiful steemians ladies. All thanks to steem for Ladies, for this wonderful opportunity to express the Joy down deep in my soul. Today is the day i was so much wishing to happen to me. My kind of work has to do with target, and i was given a target to sell a particular phone this week. Market has been tough though, because of dollar rising. But i thank God i made it today💃. Come with me as i tell you how my day went.



Resorted to Ancient Medicine to treat stubborn Malaria

written by @realitytrend

In the morning, I didn't wake up on a good note, I felt terrible pains all over my body, I struggled to sleep throughout the night. I have had this same symptoms in previous weeks and days anyway but I managed it and went about doing my normal business. In the class yesterday it became worst that I couldn't even stand to teach because of body weakness, fever, inside cold and pains. I just ushered myself gently to the sick bay and lied down there till school was over .



Sorriel the Bale

written by @ezunjoshy

Almost immediately I thought of Hellboy when I saw Sorriel. My brother Timothy some time last year downloaded a bunch of references that naturally had good aesthetics. One of them is the subject I used for today's sketch. He wore a suit and had blurred out eyes, he was a sexy demon.



My first day at work as a teacher.

written by @adachukwu

My first day at work as a teacher. Remember, l was interested in the post of the receptionist but l was employed as a teacher. I have never taught before, but when l was asked during the interview l mentioned teaching my mum, and l was asked to explain. Well, after the first horrible presentation, l always tried my best not to fumble anymore. So, l practiced with my mum where she would sit and l would become the teacher.


Hope you enjoyed today's content selections!

Until next time...



#TheLuvBug was launched in March 2018 with the intention of supporting the really hard working and genuine content creators here on the Steemit platform by upvoting and resteeming their content and working in conjunction with @steemitbloggers. It would be AMAZING if we were able to support more people, more often - and with your help, we can do that!


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