Video of three beautiful butterfly species again enjoying the essence of flowers of the grass, Junonia Atlites. Argynnis, butterfly Ypthima huebneri in the nature of Aceh.
The Junonia Atlites butterfly video stroked the Marigold flower with beautiful wings
Butterflies generally like all the flowers, and this is the main activity of all butterflies in every sunny day. it is very different from spider activity with the mission of making a nest to catch the flying insects in the trees or in the grass, and different again with my mission in every day catch every kind of attack that lives in nature with the camera every day.
The Junonia Atlites Butterfly
Argynnis butterfly video in the cold rain
Argynnis butterflies play beautifully on the grass in the nature cold, the butterfly with the orange wings with dazzling black spots. looking very excited by the many styles captured by the camera on the greenness of the leaves, that's the beauty of the butterfly being a beautiful artist on the grass every day.
Argynnis butterfly
Butterfly video Ypthima huebneri with an interesting style
All butterflies have its unique shapes and characters from each, from its wings and from its colour. there is a white and yellow colour also black bluish, all happening beautifully according to its respective types that look alive in nature like butterflies Ypthima huebneri very beautiful too.
Butterfly Ypthima huebneri
The life of butterflies in the nature of Aceh
This blog about the life of all kinds of insects or animals in the nature of Aceh, and on this occasion showed some kind of butterflies that live in nature with beautiful grass. and this video I recorded with Smartphone sony in the nature of Aceh.
it is surprising that they did not fly while capturing... <3
Great articles and videos and beautiful pictures. This is really well done and i love butterflies i find them fascinating. Thank you and keep up the good work
Beautiful,. Udh ahli :)
gak ahli juga @fizie , aku blm bisa tangkap tikus , krn takut liat tikus , ok thank you for the comment in my posts
WoW .. I love butterflies and I love this video!
you did a great job. congratulations
this video so good....i like your three, comment......keep it up.....@ades
This is great post..i like this nature.....all the best....
your photography post so intersting..dear..
This very nice video i appreciate your natural thanks for sharing this post best of luck..
wonderful nature video dear @ades
It is a very beautiful butterfly and has enchanting wings, but some species of these insects are threatened with extinction, because of poor climate, widespread drought, for these proposed bilding reserves for such insects to keep them from extinction @ades