The diary game:A day in the garden wed,28 Aug

in Steem SEA23 days ago

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Dear Diary,

What a day it has been! This morning, I decided to spend some time in the garden, hoping for a relaxing escape from my usual routine. Little did I know, today would turn out to be full of surprises.

As I was tending to the rose bushes, I noticed something unusual peeking out from under a pile of fallen leaves. It was an old, rusted key! I was curious and picked it up, wondering what it might unlock.

Eager to find out, I started exploring the garden more thoroughly. Behind the garden shed, partially hidden by overgrown vines, I discovered a small, wooden door. It was so well concealed that I had never seen it before. My heart raced as I used the key to unlock it.

To my amazement, the door led to a tiny, hidden nook with a stone bench and a small, round table. On the table was a delicate, old journal with a faded cover. I carefully opened it and found a few handwritten entries from someone who had explored this garden long ago. They spoke of magical flowers and secret spots—some of which I had never seen!

I’m thrilled to have found this secret place and the journal. I’m going to read it more closely and explore the garden further tomorrow to see if I can find any of the magical flowers mentioned.

Here’s to new discoveries,

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