Healthy Breakfast Challenge: The Most Easy Pancakes InThe World Only From Two Ingredients!🥞🌱 [VEGAN][GLUTEN-FREE]

in #healthybreakfast7 years ago

Hello again!

I'm up quite early today, even though I'm a morning person. And as some of you might already be suspicious about why I wrote that. And I can say that your intuition is in a very good condition! Because Todays morning I'm bringing to you my recipe for healthy and how tasty breakfast! :3 It's Pancakes but really special one, because you only need two ingredients for them! It's fast and delicious recipe, I think it can replace my morning smoothie that i really love! I tried many pancakes before and even the processs of making them was going hard for me, but this time it was really fast, smooth and easy! Hell yeah baby that's what i like, fast and delicious breakfast. 😊

For preparing these pancakes I used buckwheat flour and I can say, that was really great choose! Pancakes was really fluffy, consistent and they didn't stick to pan. Perfect pancakes, yeaaaah! That was my first time when I'm using this type of flour. It's high in protein (12,6g/100g), gluten free and it have low glycemic index, so it's absolutely safe for diabetics and to someone who's suffer for celiac disease. And the best thing is, that you can use this flour in anything; cakes, pies, pancakes, waffles and maaaaany more!
So that's enough about these delicious pancakes and great flour, let's move into preparing them!🤩

For preparing pancakes you will need:
for about 10-12 little pancakes

  • one glass of buckwheat flour
  • one glass of plant-based milk of your choice(I used rice milk)
  • one tsp of xylitol, stewia or other healthy sweetener
    -few drops of oil for frying
  • fruits (bananas, apples, pears, bleuberries or what you want)
    add your favourite topping!
  • I added berries on top and banana chips, and also for certain pancakes I added peanut butter. Feel free to add your favourite combination of fruits, healthy jams and chocolate creams, and also nuts, yummy!🥜😋


  • into bowl put sifted flour and add milk into it, leave for about 5 minutes
  • mix it well (you need achive dense texture)
  • if you wish you can add into mixture chopped fruits (but this is optional)
  • to frying pan add oil and by paper towel rub it
  • add on pan dough, fry on both sides by two minutes

    It's nothing better, than start the day with great breakfast, and these pancakes are perfect! They are very easy and quick to prepare. And you know what? They even dissapear faster! 🤣 So that's all for today! I hope, that you enjoyed my recipe! Share with me your opinion about this idea in comment below! REMEMBER - Your feedback is valuable for me! Thank you for reading, my friends!
    Have a great day! 💕


Resteemed so I can try this recipe later! 😄

Thank you! You'll not regret! 😊

I need to get some more buckwheat flour! I used the rest of mine in muffins this week. I love pancakes, but rarely make them because they do take a little more effort than I care to put into breakfast sometimes. ;) I think these are ones I could definitely hone my skills with since they are so easy to make!

Will you share recipe for these muffins? I want to get some inspiration for something sweet for kids :) These pancakes are really extremely quick! For sure I will do them more often, If I will not have so much time for breakfast :)

I will definitely share the recipe! I did them savory this week, but wanted to try it as bread before I post it. Perhaps I'll do savory bread and try a sweeter muffin when I restock my flour!

Cool! I never tried muffins in savory version :o Maybe it's time to try them? Can't wait for your recipe dear! :)


Those pancakes do look amazing. So much fun to see new recipes :). Looking forward to se your next one :)

Thank you so much! Well I have more recipes up my sleeve! :)

They look so delicious and so easy to make too! I must try them 🤤

Well, this recipe is really the most easy way for nice breakfast! And how delicious! Yumm! :)

I would eat this every morning if I could

Yeah, me too. It's good to eat them not so much often ;)

These are absolutely to die for 🍇💚🍇

Oh yeah, they're! 💕

Looks very delicious! I’d follow you for more recipes... kindly follow back too, thanks!

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