The Craziest Dresses Worn By Lady Gaga

in #funny8 years ago

Hello all, so something a little different for today. I was never a fan of Lady Gaga's music, however after watching her show off her bad ass acting skills playing The Countess in American Horror Story, I have developed a new found appreciation for the queen of quirkiness herself. Now Lady Gaga is well known for wearing out of this earth, wacky outfits, or costumes if you'd prefer. I took to google and found hundreds upon hundreds of Gaga's craziest dresses and whittled them down to my top 5:

So in this outfit, Gaga appears to be wearing a long white piece of cloth that literally looks like she's picked up the sheets off of her bed and wrapped them around herself. This is oddly matched with a pearl necklace and a square headpiece, which I assume is made out of some sort of cardboard. The headpiece looks highly uncomfortable to wear and probably would lack Gaga's ability to move or turn her neck. You can see that this would be a slight problem when performing... Craziness levels, I'd rate this dress a solid 8 out of 10.

Whilst this dress is crazy, it is also beautiful and elegant. Gaga looks like some sort of eccentric fairy tale princess. This dress looks like it probably cost a small fortune... and just look at those heels! How on earth does she walk in those? I was also wondering what the significance of the spiked object in her hands. Maybe she takes after her character The Countess - she'll use it to murder the next innocent passerby who gets in her way. In my opinion, this dress isn't as crazy as the majority of Gaga's wardrobe, which is why I'm rating it a 6 out of 10 for its craziness.

This dress appears to be made out of bubbles. Obviously they're not real, but they do look very realistic. I wonder if the dress is like giant bubble wrap, that you could pop the bubbles to relieve yourself from stress. (I could do with that dress right about now being mid way through my A level exams). I'd rate this dress a 9 out of 10.

I genuinely have no words for this dress... if you could even call it that. Are my eyes deceiving me or are those DEAD KERMIT THE FROGS on her dress? I'm not sure how I feel about it. On the word hand it's kind of messed up, but on the other, it sums up what Lady Gaga stands for completely. When I first looked at this dress, I thought that the green strands coming off it were supposed to be snakes. I guess I was close with frogs! For craziness I think I'd rate this dress a 9.5 out of 10.

Of-course this list wouldn't be complete if I didn't include Gaga's infamous meat dress. I have to give it up to Gaga for this one - I mean imagine how gross and smelly it would be to wear a dress AND shoes completely made out of meat. It does seem like a waste of meat if you ask me, and I'm sure my boyfriend @robintherunner would think that this dress was completely and utterly disgusting and immoral due to the fact that he is a vegan. I can't think of anyone else who would be able to pull off this dress, which is why I'm rating it a 10 out of 10 for being the craziest dress on this list.

I had a lot of fun researching and writing this post. If you enjoyed it then please let me know in the comments and upvote as it really helps me out! If you want, resteem this post and follow me as well (as I'm trying to hit 200 followers!) As always, thanks for reading and have a fab day! xx