cikakakz (25)in #moor • 3 years agoMOOREX CRYPTO BLOCKCHAINMoorex is a community focused multi-chain token aiming to bring transparency and anonymity into charity in the finance…cikakakz (25)in #euler • 3 years agoEuler.Tools ecosystem projectEuler.Tools, a platform that wants to change how people analyze the blockchain industry by providing an…cikakakz (25)in #eulertools • 3 years agoEulertools offers powerful, customizable, affordable projectCryptocurrencies are gaining popularity faster than expected. The crypto industry has grown and developed…cikakakz (25)in #defi • 3 years agoFerox Advisor’s platform operates through liquidity pools.Blockchain is an innovative new technology that was first introduced via the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The nature of…cikakakz (25)in #splashswap • 3 years agosplashswap project reviewThere are many platforms that are adopting the DeFi protocol today. The platform offers various features that will…cikakakz (25)in #crypto • 3 years agoMagic Token is a magic and it do magic with people money without any kinds of risks.Blockchain is an innovative new technology that was first introduced via the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The nature of…cikakakz (25)in #bitcoincore20 • 3 years agoBitcoin2.0 projectBlockchain is an innovative new technology that was first introduced via the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The nature of…cikakakz (25)in #coindogsgenesis • 3 years agoCoinDogs nft,gameplay blockchainThis is a symbol that ignites one's enthusiasm and motivates one to begin making money from what one finds enjoyable…cikakakz (25)in #dao • 3 years agoREVIEW PAF DAO PROJECT IS THE BEST 2021!Hello everyone... Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called PAF DAO, so…cikakakz (25)in #defi • 3 years agoPAF DAO DEFI PROJECTAbout PAF DAO PAF DAO is Decentralized Autonomous Organization incorporated by Pitch Finance and Flocki Finance. Two…cikakakz (25)in #lepasa • 3 years agoLEPASA - NFT ,3D ART, MARKETPLACE, & GAME PROJECTWhat is Lepasa Foundation? Lepasa Foundation will ensure decentralization of the authority & governance of the…cikakakz (25)in #lepasa • 3 years agoLepasa is a mythological virtual life conceptualisedimage.png Lepasa is a mythological virtual life conceptualised by a team of artists and engineered by blockchain…cikakakz (25)in #matic • 3 years agoIX Swар іѕ bеnеfісіаllу dеfеаtіng аnу іѕѕuеѕ bеtwееn јоіnеd саѕh аnd DеFіimage.png Intrоduсіng IX Swар IX Swаріѕ а dесеntrаlіzеd еxсhаngе fоr ѕесurіtу tоkеnѕ аnd tоkеnіzеd ѕtосkѕ. It hаѕ…cikakakz (25)in #polygon • 3 years agoIXSWAP - POLYYGON BLOCKCHAINIntrоduсіng IX Swар IX Swаріѕ а dесеntrаlіzеd еxсhаngе fоr ѕесurіtу tоkеnѕ аnd tоkеnіzеd ѕtосkѕ. It hаѕ ѕеt…cikakakz (25)in #dexgem • 3 years agoDEXGEM Multi Chain Decentralized Protocols - community governed launchpad.Roket Public Sale Announcement ! Roket Dexgem Public Sale on Dxsale App Launch date: 1st December 2021 - 11pm…cikakakz (25)in #dexgem • 3 years agoDexgem is a wonderful platform for futuresSince the debut of Binance Chain, Dexgem has been keeping a close eye on its progress. The adaptability of nodes is…cikakakz (25)in #cryptonews • 3 years agoTheChampionsDefi ,automatic liquidity acquisition yield farm and AMM decentralized exchange.What is TheCampions? TheChampionsDefi is the chief customized liquidity acquisition yield farm and AMM decentralized…cikakakz (25)in #bsc • 3 years agoJADEITE IS A MULTICHAIN PLATFOM DECENTRALIZEDABOUT JADEITE PROJECT Jadeite is a deflationary emblematic that produces neighborhood benefits on the Binance Smart…cikakakz (25)in #crypto • 3 years agoBullPerks is a Blockchain technology system and multi-chain blockchainRecently, the rate at which Investors and individuals run at loss or get scammed in the process of investing is…cikakakz (25)in #eulertools • 3 years agoEULERTOOLS PLATFORM UNIQUE AND MULTIFUNGSIONALEulеr Tооlѕ hеlрѕ uѕеrѕ fіnd thе mоѕt еffісіеnt wау tо nаvіgаtе blосkсhаіn tесhnоlоgу thrоugh іntеrасtіvе lеаrnіng…