Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W5 | My Parents, My HeroessteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroonlast year (edited)

Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and enjoy the good life by the grace of Allah Almighty I am here for participate in the amazing engagement challenge which organised by the Steem Cameroon the name of this challenge is My Parents ,My Heroes so let's start;


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In your words explain what you understand by parenthood?

Parenthood means a condition or reference as being a parents in these conditions responsibilities raising child issues and nurturing child or children parenthood is not a easy it can be life changing experience parenthood means you are responsible to take care parenthood is very complex duration.

Your children growth and development and give proper guidance to lead the good life to take care the children is not easy work you give proper attention to your children for their life changing growth parenthood involves also teach the children important skills.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

Parenthood's journey start after you have child or children parents have many responsibilities as parenthood and its a very exciting and challenging journey for all parents to take care and give proper attention to their children especially in this modern era child learns from parents.

The important and fundamental work of parenthood is also give the proper basic needs to their children such as food clothing and other basic needs they are responsible for give the shelter and safe environment to the children parents also teach the children how to communicate with others.

Tell us about your heroes (Parents)(for example what you usually do together, their importance to you)

We all know that parents are our first teacher and we all learn from our parents parents teach us about behaviour communication and respect to other people they play vital role in our growth and development when we born we are not able to eat and wearing they feed us that time and give proper shelter and attention for our better growth.

They give proper knowledge and support to lead the proper life my parents are very important for me and they always with me in every field of life and they give me support and tell us about challenges how to face them in professional life they always share their experience and knowledge with me we know patents are our best friends.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

My parents always treat me as friends and also I always share my all thoughts and difficulties with them and they give me proper advise to solve them they spent their most time with me and also I feel free to share everything with them we know parents are our first teacher and my parents teach me good behaviour and way to communicate.

What are the major roles of parents to you?

Our parents are very much important to us because they took birth of us and take care of us in the childhood even they are very much careful about our life when we are younger that is why there is a very important role of the parents in our life. Our religious and social values also have determined the role of our parents in our life is very much important.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

There are different responsibilities that are on the shoulders of our parents because of us and first responsibility is that they take care of our health when a baby borns then his parents are very much worried about the health of that baby if the baby is not well then the parents are worried and arrange different measures to maintain the health of that baby

Besides the health of their children the parents are also an important part of our life because they make every decision in their life in such way that their children are not at risk or disadvantages they always think about the benefit and advantages of their children no matter in which condition they arr living their life so that's why parents are very much important for our life.

Do you see Parenthood as a Scam?

The answer of this question is No I don't see the parenthood as a scam we all know that parents are very important part of every human life parents are best experience to learn everything from them parenting may be challenging and costly according to term of time but it's not a scam.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

Their decision may be personal one but their desire always to see their children in bright future they work hard for their children and they always well wishers to their children so children should think positive and always helps to their parents in every work sometimes our parents can't fulfill our all desires it's not mean they are not our well wishers.


Parents are very important part of our life without parents we are nothing in our life parenthood is also challenging and rewarding and also it's a big chance to develop strong relationships with your children and understand them how they lead their lives so this is my all post I hope you will like my this post and encouraging me to create more content.

I invite the @steemdoctor1 @luimer79 @fantvwiki and @nadiaturrina to participate in the contest

Thank you

Achievement 1

written by:@cryptoloover


 last year 

Hello friend,

Thank you for sharing a post on this week contest. Parenting is a task that needs to be handled with so much love, care and hardwork. Parent is an easy task if only we are ready and well prepared for it. Please do well to like and comment on my post

 last year 

Friend, you are right that parents are the most important part of our life. In fact, our life is incomplete without parents. Only those who have lost their parents can realize the real worth of parents. May Allah keep our parents healthy and blessed. Thanks for sharing. Good luck for the contest.

Again, thanks for the invitation. I will surely take part in this contest very soon.

Hello dear
you are absolutely right said parents are the very important part of our lives. Parents makes their every effort to make their children's future lives easy


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