The extreme heat caused quenching rains to pour down as nature tries to fix imbalances all around

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month



The thirsty and parched-up land welcomed every bit of raindrops and offered a long-awaited quench thanks to mother nature.

I haven't noticed anything yesterday in the afternoon after my treatment session when we are already heading back home except from some distant clouds which you can tell are holding raindrops. However in the morning there isn't any significant rainclouds except this big one with greyish parts from its bottom but I resigned to the fact that it would not be enough to cause some rains to fall because of the intense heat where the A/C system of my dialysis clinic is affected for cooling the treatment clinic which is why I am not doubling my socks anymore and is just using one blanket all throughout the treatment process. So that is how this intense heat is affecting most of the people here in my part of the world, basically near the equator.



Clouds with a little greyish bottom can indicate rain, more of them can assure you that rain will fall soon. People are now wishing for more moisture-packed-clouds particularly now that they suffered a lot from the extreme heat which never happened before.

Now drought is everywhere, the rice farmers had used their farmlands to plant seasonal fruits like watermelons, melons, and Turnips although not all of them are doing the same because the planting process with the seeds they use really is costly with some chance of it not growing as expected or the possibility of a failed crop considering that there is an ongoing extreme weather phenomenon called La Niña where there will be less rains for the remainder of this year which I do not have any knowledge where it will stop. But since my country resides in the way of Typhoon hi-way we can still expect breaks on the weather pattern, i.e., there will be rain coming from Typhoons where it is expected that in this month alone the forecast by the national weather bureau (PAGASA) is saying that we can have two typhoons which can help the farmers as well as the Dams where it needs to get filled because it benefits us in at least two ways, one is the generation of power where the water level is crucial to make a clean energy source because otherwise there will be power cuts in attempt to ration electricity because of the created limited capacity caused by lower water levels for the dam to optimally create energy from those electric turbines.



My country is situated now on the extreme edge of disaster with regards to weather and personally I do not hope for changes an time soon because the solutions are highly politicized ending with no solution at all being made. This will be the new normal, an abnormal weather pattern to wreck havoc on the lives of many people resulting in loss of lives, property, businesses, and the economic strength.

Moreover, a problem in sourcing water in many parts of my region particularly in the capital Metro Manila happens when water from the Dam is not filled-up by rain. We are quite dependent on the rain for these important things to run smoothly otherwise it will not be good for the whole because my country is reliant on water coming from the Dams particularly the cities in Metro Manila especially the electricity it creates plus some other ways of creating electricity where at this current time, diesel and coal-powered electric powerplants are also in operation and thus making the electricity cost to rise up in the process. The more environmental-friendly power sources cannot carry all the demand for electricity which is why we still use diesel fuel and coals (to my knowledge) for servicing the needs of households and the rest of the industry. The cost of electricity in my country is high which is why we needed other sources like nuclear energy too get a cheaper energy source which will benefit the country as foreign industry might get attracted more for their need to lower the cost of production so that they can earn more. it will also affect the lives of many people which are seeking employment in a positive way because of the availability of jobs coming from these foreign businesses particularly for the manufacturing sector.



Although not all countries can have all of viable clean energy sources it needs to be used more than fossil fuels, the whole world really has to work in contributing in not using fossil fuels in order to make a difference for our climate which is already going crazy. Limiting reliance on fossil fuel will also free the world from the economic hardships when oil supply is suppressed.

But often times the manufacturing sector or any related industry that uses fossil fuel really affects the weather system because "in your face" mother nature makes you feel the result of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and thus, it creates an envelope of "greenhouse" gas. That had lead to the extreme weather as record-breaking temperatures hit the more susceptible countries like where I live from. Thankfully enough unlike other countries we are still getting breaks from the heat with the eventual rain showers happening from time to time and the fact the we are inside the Typhoon hi-way where we get more than a dozen each year, we are always 'saved by the bell" so to speak. Today there are clouds forming and it might as well rain this afternoon or at night and although it will disrupt my "sauna sessions" I really cannot do about it because last night was a surprise for me as I wasn't expecting any rain to fall until droplet per droplet went a full blown rain minus the thunder and lightnings and is just an indicator that at least nature is always trying to balance itself out and this rain really had made a number of people happy at least for a while until it lasts.



Most of us knows that trees and other kinds of "Floras" out there eats carbon dioxide and lets out oxygen and water from their leaves. That is why we all need every bit of unused space for growing trees and plants because they are effective in scrubbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


 last month 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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