My Played Video Games Review: Disney's Pocahontas for the Sega Genesis

in Steem Gaming9 months ago

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Disney's Pocahontas is a puzzle-adventure, platform game based on the 1995 animated film of the same name. The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive version was developed by Funcom and was released in 1996.

I kinda liked that Disney film. I thought this was just for kids back then. But it has got those puzzle elements that will keep adults invested in it too.

Oh, this is the last Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game I am going to post about before going over to post about games that I have played on the Super Nintendo.

Sega Mega Drive box cover art. (Image source)

The Story

Help Pocahontas find the path to peace. She must use her courage and quick thinking to conquer obstacles and help her animal friends. Each time she succeeds, she'll get a special power - so she can soar, swim, and race through forests, rivers, and mountains. But hurry. A war is about to begin. And only Pocahontas can stop it. Conquer many challenges. Explore the Enchanted Glade, the Indian Village, and the English Settler's Fort.

Box, manual, free poster and cartridge of the game. (Image source)

The Graphics and Sound

The graphics are pretty and detailed for the console. The colors are rich and varied, the characters and animals are well drawn and animated, and little details are just some of the small visual treats on the side. By far, some of the best graphics on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

The music has some instrumental versions of the songs from the animated movie. The music creates a good atmosphere and is never annoying or repetitive in the least. You might surprisingly find yourself humming the movie's theme song without even realizing it. The sound effects are nice too.

Gameplay video sample of Pocahontas' first level on the Sega Genesis. Watch in 360p for near TV resolution of that time.

The Gameplay

You play as Pocahontas and as Meeko the raccoon and this adds a lot to the gameplay and is one of the best aspects of it. You can switch between the two at any time through a level simply by pressing the "C" button. Switching characters for their abilities is used to solve puzzles.

The game is a kind of platformer but filled with puzzles and you need the two characters to solve the puzzles and make your way to the end of a level. You need to find a way to help each other get over some obstacles. The puzzles in this game are very clever for the most part.

Through the levels, Pocahontas has to look for and save animals and receive their spirits. When she's awarded a spirit, she'll earn the animal's power to get their abilities. There are nine animal spirits in total. The game is fun and you will not stay stuck on any puzzle.

Replay value is decent. You may want to find all the puzzles/secrets in the game.

My Verdict

Disney's Pocahontas is certainly worth a try. The atmosphere will leave you aching for the wholesome things in gaming. If nothing else, then the gameplay will give you some enjoyment.

Play it on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive console or play it on a fine emulator.

Let's keep on gaming in the free world!

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