Trump Exposed As Clueless in Brutal Fox News Interview

in #world4 years ago

Trump Exposed As Clueless in Brutal Fox News Interview

Donald Trump is exposed as dishonest and clueless in a new interview with Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo

Is he making any sense?


20 Inappropriate Sentences from Trump During the Fox News Interview

  • "I always have controversies in my life and I always succeed. I always win. I always win."
  • "They like to cover bullshit."
  • "I think you can say that our winning numbers for the Senate, Congress or governor are very good."
  • "I don't know if he is a bribe. I don't know where that title came from."
  • "But he is someone who has probably known me for about 10 years and I will see him occasionally."
  • "He makes a transaction. He makes a transaction."
  • "The two accusations are not even a crime. They are not campaign finance."
  • "Then I know. Then."
  • "If you look at President Obama, he has committed a major campaign violation but he has a different attorney general and they see him differently."
  • "But what Michael Cohen admitted was not even related to the campaign. [The violations] were not a crime."
  • "And they put two campaign violations there, but a lot of the lawyers on television and the lawyers that I have said they were [violations] - they were not crimes."
  • "For 30, 40 years I've seen defectors. Everything is extraordinary and they could be jailed for 10 years and they - they defected to whoever would be the highest [their position], or as high as they could."
  • "That - that should be prohibited. That's not fair."
  • "You know, campaign violations are not considered big, to be honest."
  • "But if someone cheats a bank and he will be sentenced to 10 years or 20 years in prison, but if you can say something bad about Donald Trump and you will be jailed for two to three years, that is the agreement he made."
  • "I have many friends who are involved in things like this. It's called defection and should be illegal."
  • "I tell you, someone else made a better deal. Cloud, IT person for Shultz. Member of the congress [named] Shultz. He has all the information about the Democrats. He has all the information about everyone. He goes to prison with support Ministry of Justice and the FBI. "
  • "I mean, he's worse than anyone. He doesn't get [any punishment]. He's a Democrat. He doesn't get anything."
  • "I include a prosecutor who has never been in the Ministry of Justice. Jeff Sessions has never been in the Ministry of Justice and that's a pretty great thing."
  • "Comey is his best friend."

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