SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country ".

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 months ago



Home is among the basic need of human as such being homeless is word that should not be heard in the whole live of human. It is proper for human to have a house of his or her own or a rented apartment as residents or somewhere to squat with a friend or family members at least for sheltering.

Here on earth millions of people live on streets, under the bridge, uncompleted buildings, parks, open class blocks and even on the road side because of being homeless.

Please, follow through as l will use the guidelines questions to explain why people are homeless and possible solutions to this issue.

Are there homeless people in your country?

Am not ashamed to say yes, we have so many in my country. l believe some other countries also have the same, meaning one country is far from alone.

Here in Nigeria, there's no busy area you go that you will not see children and some young adults on streets. Most of them walking around feeding themselves in any occasion that is around them, such as weeding ceremonies, burial occasions, events centres and birthday partys. This is the reason why the are called "street boys" and also "street girls".

Here in Uyo, the day l return from Lagos, arriving uyo was very late at night. l saw a numerous number of children and adults on the park at Itam fly over spreading their wrappers on the ground and some where sleeping on the bare floor, my heart was broken to see homeless being suffering. I prayed for God kingdom which will bring solutions to all mankind's problem.


What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the street, homeless and without a family

There are so many factors that lead to human homelessness.

Natural disaster like floods, drought, earthquake, hurricane can rendere human to become homeless. A years ago, homeless situation visited one of my auntys. She and her family had a beautiful home in Turkey, living comfortable with their family, but on February 2023, a great earthquake struck all Turkey causing widespread destruction of homes and properties. They slept under bridge for two days before they could find their way back to the village. We were happy that everyone was save and healthy.

Lack of employment: Here in Nigeria, unemployment is a major issue that is affecting thousands of people, rendering many to struggle for life's stability but non and void. As a result, it is very difficult to afford daily meal let a lone accommodation. I also see that lack of access to quality education make it difficult for people to even find stable employment which lead to a cycling of poverty and homelessness times after time.

Poverty, financial difficulties: Believe with me that this is the main cause of homelessness. Our economy is hard for some persons to afford a day square meal let alone where to lay their head as I said earlier. This is because they cannot afford an accommodation, so then, they don't have options than to stay in the street.

Urbanisation: Many people who move from rural areas to search for work opportunities may face skyrocketing house rent, making it difficult for them to afford a comfortable apartment.

Family issues ln the case of most children, broken family, death of parant and family abuse, there are families that claims their children witch and wizard. Such children are being thrown out of house by parents. If you check out, those children are rooming in the street and ended in the street.

Some families are separated as a result of divorce by the parent. Children in such family may not be able to cope with such condition, hence resulting in early suffering of the children and family scattering. Such children may be floating on a street.

Also, there are other families that have so many children but can't afford to feed and raise them. Imagine seeing a family of 11 including the parent leaving in just one or two rooms perhaps. Over congestion and discomfort in the house drives such children out of the house to streets. All these is very common at my end.😪

Has the government tried to treat or create decent shelters to help these people?

Here in my country? Hmmm! If only happens but very rare. Government are trying their best to set up building for homeless people but their efforts always ended with little or no better results...some, because of political conflicts and corruption by the co-leaders.

Some years ago, l heard that government decided to build some home for people but today most of those projects are uncompleted and abandoned.

All l see is that that, there is enough money in the country ( both in government's and individual's wallets) to support the homeless, they may embark on a project that brings hope but suddenly ended halfway and would be abandoned for decades or in perpetuity. They really miss spent and waste our funds.


What could you propose so that these people do not remain in this dark world?

To be very honest, this human being are in the dark world Suffering all alone on different days and nights.

Frist, government should provide a permanent residence for people who are affected by natural disaster and also protect the environment to possibly reduce natural disasters effects.

Government should also enhance social welfare programs and focus on it more rather than investing our money on proposed and failed projects that are very costly and that are not treating the root cause of poverty and homelessness.

Conflicts and war should be reduced, so that people will not be forced to flee and leave their homes, family and acquaintances to strange environment.

The country's economy and the world's as large should be restructured by government of each countries for the betterment of the citizens especially the downtrodden and the homeless. Government should try and resume to some policies like subsidisation of some products in the country especially for those essential ones to control skyrocketing of price of life means.

Government should provide mental health support and counseling services which will help different people to cope with their Conditions like emotional trauma, marriage and other wise.

ln Summary

But as far as imperfection in life is concerned, no matter the intervention by government, all homelessness may not be solved but rather be reduced. Why? In the holy scriptures...the Bible, the time we are leaving now is already marked as the "end times difficult to deal with"... which people will be "lovers of money rather than lovers of God and humanity"... and lots of bad things that will be observed in the world. That's why God... the creator promised still in the holy scripture that:

"They will build houses and live in them and they will plant vineyard and eat their fruitage." Isaiah 65:21. This implies to me and perhaps to you that in God's new system of things to come,, that is when He will do away with all human government. and turned everything new under the rulership of his son Jesus.... everyone will be opportune to leave and enjoy a comfortable accommodation that will be their own. No tenacity or homelessness. It is for sure that only our kind and loving Creator can do that.

I will like @sahmie @josepha @davidad, @senehasa,@eliany @fadlymatch @yancar @solperez to take part in contest and share if there's homeless people in your country.



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 2 months ago 

Saludos cordiales hermosa amiga dequeen, un gusto para mi saludarte y leer tu participación en este reto, muchas gracias por la invitación a este reto.

El mundo esta atravesando tantos problemas, son tantos males que no deberían de existir pero ahi estan, son deudas grandes de la sociedad.

Te deseo una feliz y bendecida tarde.

Thanks so much for accepting my invitation and adding a valuable comments to my post.

 2 months ago 

Saludos @dequeen.

Es una realidad que en todos los paises, hasta en los mas desarrollados existen personas que viven en las calles, ya que esto no siempre se debe a la pobreza extrema sino que tambien hay otros factores que pueden ocasionar que una persona tenga que vivir de esta forma, como lo es una adicción, enfermedad mental o abandono, esta ultimo, sobretodo en el caso de muchos niños y adolescentes que vemos a menudo en las calles pidiendo comida o dinero.

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Thanks so much for your review, l appreciate

 2 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Muchas veces se comete el error de crear que no hay un país con esta problemática y, a veces siento que debido a ello se debe que no tomen en serio esta problemática... Te confieso que a mí me da mucha tristeza ver que, en esta etapa de la vida, muchas personas viven está realidad.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thanks so much for coming, l appreciate


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Thanks so much for your support @dove11. This is a great encouragement. I appreciate.

Greeting my friend,.

I am very happy to see your thoughts on it you express it very beautifully. Keep sharing your thoughts with us and inspiring others to join the cause. Together, we can create a more supportive and compassionate society for them. Wish you good luck.


Thanks so much for accepting my invitation, l really appreciate.

Much love and blessings 💕

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