Abuse Report 10/04/2023 by @do-orr-die.

in STEEM WATCHERlast year

Hello this is 👁️ @do-orr-die 👁️


Hello steemian friends how are you? I hope you are well. I'm fine too. Our activities are ongoing to restore the beauty of the steemit platform. We are very vocal against plagiarism every day. Maintaining the beauty of the steemit platform is one of our responsibilities and duties.Because steemit platform is the best platform for me. Here I spend my maximum time. So it is our responsibility to keep this platform clean. So we all should say no to plagiarism. Say no to our slogan is an abuse. But we are able to find abusers every day. That's a real downside. Which destroys one's self-respect. One's personality is undermined. So it is important for all of us to be aware against plagiarism. Creating quality content is one of the sources of our creativity. Today I mentioned below my report.

Sl NoDateAbuser namepost linkExplanationDownvote stutasHunted By

Advise all mentioned to create your original content. Stop the abuse. We are always against plagiarism. Please read those post and be careful.

1 Guidelines for Steemit Users. [ Abuse Watcher ]

2 Our Downvote Policy - "Aggressively downvoting posts is not a solution"

We fight against..

Identity theft
Copyright infringement
Reward farming communitie
Scamming or any financial fraud on steemit
Phishing attacks or, any kind of hacking attempt
Fake crypto ICO, IPO or, any scam coin campaig
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Я буду писать по Русски, мне так удобно. Где вы нашли в моём посту спам???. Фотографии оцифрованы. Это легко можно проверить, Даже не заморачиваясь. Не выносите людям мозг. Я вижу, что вы при соеденились к площадке в 2022 ,А значит не знаете, что так примерно 3 года назад уже были флагмейстеры. Чем это закончилось? Или у вас тоже много аккаунтов. Ответ простой. Есть такая Русская поговорка. Против лома нет приёма, если нет другого лома. А дальше думайте. Да кстати вопрос в коментах тоже надо набрать 100 слов. У меня немного не дотягивает. Ну я постараюсь. Вы меня задели.

I will write in Russian, it is so convenient for me. Where did you find spam in my post???. Photos are digitized. This can be easily checked without even bothering. Don't blow people's minds. I see that you joined the site in 2022, which means you don’t know that there were already flagmasters about 3 years ago. How did it end? Or maybe you have too many accounts. The answer is simple. There is a Russian proverb. There is no hold against scrap if there is no other scrap. And then think. By the way, the question in the comments also need to type 100 words. I'm a little short of it. Well, I'll try. You got me.

Да, кстати сами делегировали в upvu и что дальше? Где правда?

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