ethanlee (47)in #life • 6 years ago晓晓私房画 Private Collection from Xiaoxiao (2)帅帅的齐天大圣 脸谱 谁是晓晓 about Xiaoxiao…ethanlee (47)in #drawing • 7 years ago晓晓私房画 Private Collection from Xiaoxiao (1)七龙珠,满满的回忆杀呀有没有? EXO 鹿晗 卡通头像 谁是晓晓 about Xiaoxiao…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years agocn社区福利!博文转语音机器人上线啦💗初衷 最近经常出差,有时还要开车,身体疲惫的很。上周周中的时候在火车上看steem blog,顿时觉得头昏眼花。当时想,要是steem…ethanlee (47)in #steem • 7 years agoSteemTracker v0.2.0: Vote value trackerSteemTracker v0.2.0 is live now :). The major feature released in this version is a Vote Value Tracker , which…ethanlee resteemedskenan (60)in #cn • 7 years ago谈谈见证人的成本和收益最近中文区很多小伙伴 @ety001 @justyy @bobdos 都加入了steem见证人的队伍之中,见证人成了大家热议的话题,关于“什么是见证人”的文章有很多,这里我只介绍一下大家所关心的见证人的成本和收益问题。…ethanlee (47)in #steem • 7 years agoSteemTracker v0.1.0 releaseHi everyone. I have published the very first version of a service called Steem Tracker . My vision of this service…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years agoSteem blockchain可以对抗网络审查吗?这两天一直忙着基于steem…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years agohellouni小助手学长分享留学-伦敦大学学院数学经济专业声明:本文由在伦敦大学学院数学经济专业系Blake学长分享❤️ 我,是谁🕴🏼👨🏻💻? 大家好,我是伦敦大学学院(UCL)数学经济专业(Math with…ethanlee (47)in #utopian-io • 7 years agoThe spinning sign of uploading image doesn't disappear after the first image is uploadedExpected behavior When I upload the first image by clicking "Select image or paste it from the clipboard", the…ethanlee (47)in #utopian-io • 7 years agoConnection lost warning sometimes doesn't turn up and there is no timeout for add wallet processExpected behavior After I installed Vessel on my mac, I selected "import a account" and input my steemit…ethanlee (47)in #hellouni • 7 years ago在薩克斯大學就讀資訊科技與商業和管理(Information Technology with Business and Management)的日子声明:本文由@hellouni的台湾实习生Eunice编写。 個人背景:…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years ago关于Steem收益计算方法和自动推广工具的总结 (Part 1)上周写了一篇 Steembottracker的使用心得 ,得出一个建议就是大家不要过分依赖vote…ethanlee (47)in #hellouni • 7 years agoTips for cheap studying abroadStudying abroad price is one of the main barriers that is stopping students to explore the world and gain experiences.…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years ago晒一下年夜饭,英国版😊今年过年好在有岳父岳母在,所以一家子人终于可以好好庆祝一下了。身在异乡为异客,过年还是要工作😊这一周也是Half…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years agoSteembottracker使用心得不知不觉,开始用Steem已经一个星期了。每天盯着blogs看upvote有没有涨真是一个累人的工作。新来的人最关心的事情莫过于怎么样多挣Steem…ethanlee (47)in #hellouni • 7 years agoTop reasons why you should NOT go to study abroadDeciding whether to go for a study abroad can be a complicated process for students. Therefore, @Hellouni we present…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years agohellouni Una学姐分享留学-伦敦大学学院电子电气工程系在伦敦大学学院电子电气工程系Una学姐分享留学体验❤️ 我,是谁💁🏻?…ethanlee (47)in #life • 7 years agoMy little caring Guy 我家的小暖男I am very lucky to filmed this moment with my phone. My son is helping his best friend (a little sister) to zip up her…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years agohellouni的Marvin学长分享留学心路历程在伦敦大学学院学计算机科学的Marvin学长, 有着什么样的体验哪? 选择大学和专业 大家好,我是伦敦大学学院(UCL) 计算机科学系大二的学生,这边文章主要跟大家分享我申请UCL和在UCL学习生活的经历。…ethanlee (47)in #cn • 7 years agohellouni学姐分享留学-谢菲尔德读书的感受今天hellouni给大家带来在谢菲尔德读商业管理硕士Bella学姐分享留学体验❤️ 我,是谁💁🏻? 学校:谢菲尔德 大学专业:Msc. Marketing Management Practice 入学雅思成绩:7.5…