fxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years ago小城晚霞昨天在公园散步,抬头望天。晚霞灿烂,映照出天空绚烂的色彩,让人心旷神怡,现在与大家分享。fxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years agoSpace flying stonefxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years agoMorning in a small mountain villageOn weekends, I go to a small mountain village to play and climb a hill in the morning.Overlooking the village, the…fxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years agoGolden statue of Laozifxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years agoMorning fogThis photo was taken on a hill during exercise yesterday.It's an ordinary little village.It usually looks very…fxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years agoThe return of the White SwanThe Yellow River swamp white swansfxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years agoRavens Mountain Winter ViewRavens Mountain is the highest place in Henan.It's also my hometown.Last winter.I took some photos, and I shared them with you.fxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years agoThe mountain of HometownOn the weekend, I go to Hanshan in my hometown,I took some photos to share with you the beautiful scenery.fxdx (26)in #photography • 7 years ago千树万树梨花开无意间翻看相机,发现几幅旧日梨花照片,与大家分享。fxdx (26)in #cn • 7 years ago病荷南方的荷总是多病的。 去苏州之前,我对江南水乡怀抱着一份美丽的幻想:水一定是碧波荡漾的,鱼儿一定是灵动自然的,那里的荷也定是亭亭玉立的。…fxdx (26)in #cn • 7 years ago一起变老微博看到一个视频,沈阳一名85岁的老大爷因低血糖晕倒街头,老伴怕他晒着,特意用太阳伞将他遮住,又去买来一份馄炖,蹲在路边一口口地喂给他,半小时后老大爷恢复过来,两人一起携手离开。…fxdx (26)in #cn • 7 years ago我要嫁个有钱人-1- 我睁开眼睛,窗帘上的光刺得眼睛疼,我经常会在这样一个阳光灿烂的午后醒来,顿时感到生无可恋。想着外面是如何的春风和煦,人心如何地骚动,可我就是动弹不得,这些和我又有什么关系。 手机响,这声音仿佛证明了我依然奔波于生活。…fxdx (26)in #food • 7 years agoShrimps with spicy and spicy divePractice: 1., add the red oil to the frying pan, stir fry the Pixian bean paste, the lobster sauce and the frying…fxdx (26)in #cn • 7 years ago青 蛇一、梦魇 啊!又是你,我要杀了你! 隔壁厢房又传来老许的低吼,小许有些无奈,英嫂低头不语,两行水珠又在眼角低落。 三个月前,老许忽然夜里魔怔,如梦魇般嘶叫。 是你,你又来了,杀了你你一次还不够,想死二回?你别过来!别过来了啊。…fxdx (26)in #food • 7 years agoKung Fu Roast Chickenfxdx (26)in #food • 7 years agoDelicious shrimp tailfxdx (26)in #food • 7 years agoSpicy chicken legfxdx (26)in #food • 7 years agoDry fried chicken wingsPractice: combine 2 teaspoons of sweet chili sauce with a spoonful of honey and HP sauce to make sauce.…fxdx (26)in #food • 7 years agoItaly spring chickenAdd 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil in the pan, add the garlic, stir fry the red oil with ginger, fermented bean, dry…fxdx (26)in #food • 7 years agoSo Good