gen-shi (41)in #cheetah • 7 months agoCheetahs 🐆The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)is a large cat and the fastest land animal. It has a tawny to creamy white or pale buff…gen-shi (41)in #snake • 7 months agoSnake 🐍Snakes are elongated, limbless reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all other squamates, snakes are ectothermic…gen-shi (41)in #turtle • 7 months agoTurtles 🐢Don't mistake Turtles for Tortoises. Tortoises have more rounded and domed shells where turtles have thinner, more…gen-shi (41)in #alligator • 7 months agoAlligator 🐊An alligator, or colloquially gator, is a large reptile in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae of the…gen-shi (41)in #shark • 7 months agoSharks 🦈Sharks are a group of elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five(5)- seven(7) gills on the…gen-shi (41)in #scorpion • 7 months agoScorpions 🦂Scorpions are predatory arachnids. Their scientific name is Scorpiones. They have eight legs and are easily recognized…gen-shi (41)in #hippopotamus • 7 months agoHippos 🦛The hippopotamus, also shortened to hippo, is a large semiaquatic mammal native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of…gen-shi (41)in #franch • 9 months agoOrangs-outans 🦧Les orangs-outans sont des primates intelligents originaires des forêts tropicales de Bornéo et de Sumatra. Ils sont…gen-shi (41)in #orangutans • 9 months agoOrangutans 🦧Orangutans are intelligent primates native to the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. They are known for their red hair…gen-shi (41)in #japanese • 9 months agoペンギン 🐧ペンギンは、一生のほとんどを水中で過ごし、足ひれのように翼を使って泳ぐ、ペンギン目スズメバチ科の飛べない鳥です。 ペンギンは 20 分ごとにうんちをし、最古のペンギンの化石は 6,200 万年前のものです。…gen-shi (41)in #french • 9 months agoManchots 🐧Les manchots sont des oiseaux incapables de voler de la famille des Sphéniscidés de l'ordre des Sphénisciformes qui…gen-shi (41)in #chinese • 9 months ago企鹅🐧企鹅是企鹅科企鹅科的不会飞的鸟类,它们一生的大部分时间都在水中度过,像鳍状肢一样用翅膀游泳。 企鹅每 20 分钟便便一次,最古老的企鹅化石已有 6200 万 (62,000,000) 岁。…gen-shi (41)in #korean • 9 months ago펭귄 🐧펭귄은 물속에서 대부분의 삶을 보내며 지느러미처럼 날개를 가지고 헤엄치는 스피니시스과(Sphenisciformes)에 속하는 날지 못하는 새입니다. 펭귄은 20분마다 똥을 싸는데, 가장 오래된 펭귄 화석은…gen-shi (41)in #penguin • 9 months agoPenguins 🐧Penguins are flightless birds from the family Spheniscidae of the order Sphenisciformes that spend most of their lives…gen-shi (41)in #chinese • 9 months ago斑马🦓斑马是引人注目的黑白条纹食草动物,它们在非洲的草原和稀树草原上漫步。 为了保护斑马,你可以为野生动物留出安全的空间,斑马会咬人,所以不要抚摸! 尊重斑马的空间,它们也会尊重你。它们以群体的形式生活,利用斑纹作为伪装来迷惑捕食者。…gen-shi (41)in #french • 9 months agoZèbres 🦓Les zèbres sont de remarquables herbivores rayés de noir et blanc qui parcourent les prairies et les savanes…gen-shi (41)in #korean • 9 months ago얼룩말 🦓얼룩말은 아프리카의 초원과 사바나를 돌아다니는 눈에 띄는 검은색과 흰색 줄무늬의 초식동물입니다. 얼룩말을 보호하려면 야생동물을 위한 안전한 공간을 확보하세요. 얼룩말은 사람을 물기 때문에 쓰다듬지 마세요…gen-shi (41)in #japanese • 9 months agoシマウマ 🦓シマウマは、アフリカの草原やサバンナを歩き回る、白と黒の縞模様が印象的な草食動物です。 シマウマを保護するために、野生動物のために安全なスペースを確保してください。シマウマは人間に噛みつくので、なでたりしないでください。…gen-shi (41)in #zebra • 9 months agoZebras 🦓Zebras are striking black and white striped herbivores that roam the grasslands and savannas of Africa. To protect…gen-shi (41)in #birthday • 9 months agoUpdate(11 days promo)Hello everyone. This is a serious update. Starting from March 11th, we'll be having an 11 (eleven) day promo.A:…