✨✨Happy Tuesday!✨✨ . . ✨✨Who could have imagined that such normal things like haircuts ...

in APPICS5 years ago

... and libraries would be so exciting this Summer? Honestly, going to the gym is better than Disneyland at this point. It's all about perspective. There are just so many things we take for granted. If anything positive has come out of this crazy time, maybe it's that we might start to better appreciate the little things.✨✨
✨✨I'm also realizing how much I now value my time way more than ever. After having so much to myself and now suddenly returning to the "normal" we all thought we missed, it's crazy to think of ever wasting free time again.✨✨
✨✨Tell me, what has completely changed in your own perspective during this pandemic?✨✨


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