SEC S17W5: The Diary Game (10-5-2024): "The ways of life

in RECREATIVE STEEM23 days ago (edited)

Hello there everyone!I hope this finds you all in good spirits relishing the simple joys of life. Today I invite you to join me on a journey through the fabric of my day where each thread weaves a story of resilience connection and gratitude.



My day starts bright and early. I wake up say my morning prayers and head back home. After that I throw on my jogging cloth and head out for a run. It feels great to stretch my legs and get some exercise in. When I get back I whip up simple breakfast of Parata and milk nothing fancy but it fill me up and gets me ready for the day.


With hunger gnawing at my stomach I settle down to humble breakfast of Parata and milk. The familiar taste of comfort fill me with contentment fueling me for the task that lie a head.

11 AM:

As the morning unfolds I find myself venturing out into the bustling world entrusted with errand that speak to the bonds of family and community. First stop the post office. Here I fulfill a simple yet meaningful task mailing letter on behalf of a friend. Its a small gesture but one that carries with it a sense of responsibility and trust.



Next on the agenda a trip to the bank. Here I withdraw funds for my sister university fees a duty that weighs heavy on my heart yet fills me with pride. Education is the cornerstone of opportunity and I am grateful for the Opportunity to support my sister on her journey of learning and growth.


As the sun begins its descent casting warm glow across the landscape I transition into the role of educator.


At home I open my door to a diverse group of student eager to expand their horizons through the power of knowledge.


With over 25 eager learners in attendance our humble abode transform into a bustling hub of learning and discovery.
Among the sea of faces one student stands out a beacon of determination and perseverance. As depicted in the heartfelt image below his earnest gaze speaks volumes about his commitment to excellence. Another bright star in our classroom constellation is Hamaad a seventh-grade scholar whose insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge never cease to inspire me.

5:30 PM:

Amidst the whirlwind of learning we carve out a moment of respite venturing to a nearby mosque for Asar prayer. Along the way the kids can not resist the temptation of purchasing lottery tickets from a vendor their laughter and excitement echoing through the streets. Its a simple pleasure but one that brings joy to their hearts.


After prayers we capture fleeting moment of serenity outside the mosque the setting sun casting a warm glow on our faces. Returning home we ascend to the rooftop drawn by the allure of the evening breeze. Here amidst the gentle rustle of leave and the soft hum of conversation we continue our lessons nourished by the bonds of friendship and camaraderie.


As the day draw to close I offer my evening prayers silent prayer of gratitude for the blesings of the day. With heart full of contentment and mind at peace I bid farewell to the day ready to embrace the adventure that tomorrow may bring.



Life is tapestry woven with moments of joy sorrow and everythings in between. In the ebb and flows of everyday life its the connection we forge and the memories we create that sustain us through the journey. So here to embracing the beauty of the everyday finding joy in the mundane and cherishing the simple pleasures that make life Worth living.

i am inviting: @sahmie @virajherath @paholags


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Hola amigo, ¿Como estas? espero que todo este bien.

Me alegra mucho que hagas ejercicios.

Tu desayuno se ve muy rico y saludable.

Veo la bicicleta en pared, y recuerdo cuando mi papá me regañaba y la amarraba de un tubo que estaba en la pared jajajaja.

Saludos amigo.

Yeah, exercising has become a part of my routine now, feels great

 22 days ago 

Wow, what a grand diary page full of activities. I love how you describe the education part with such a poetic touch. I really loved the way you described and photographed your activities. My best wishes to you in this contest.

Thank you so much for your kind word

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