Just be true to yourself. No need to prove to people again and again! (Beneficiaries 10% meraindia)

in Incredible Indialast year

Active Steemian Friends,
People will not always be on your side. Even you can't be there all the time. Because the word faith is very broad. So always try to keep yourself right.



If I love a person or walk with him. So it is natural that my relationship with him is quite good. Because those with whom you have to spend time and have to move together are the close people.

If the close people do not understand me, or I do not understand the close people then how about! I think I developed a pretty good relationship with him for several years or so.



Now if any other person, with a view to disprove me, tells me the persons with whom you walk or mingle. But he keeps doing such things, or muttering different things in your name.

Because that person couldn't see the two people or our relationship well, that's why it's burning. It would be wrong if I didn't verify the fact that I didn't have a relationship with them after telling me that. Not just wrong! This is utter stupidity.

Now if people insult you in my name then will I prove to them again and again that I am good or I am bad. No I don't have that time, I have to be nice to them.

I know how I am. So there is no such thing as a good sentence, there is no such thing as a bad sentence. It is better to be good to yourself. There is no regret if friends or family misunderstand you. Only regret will remain, that they did not understand me. Listening to others drives me away.



People come and go, are born and die. But no one can take his wealth or anything else after death. So it is very wrong to misbehave with people. Slandering people is a big crime.

If I have made a mistake or done wrong, he is a good person who will tell me face to face or tell me directly. I respect him. But if he complains to people after seeing wrong or injustice and does not tell me then it falls under injustice.

So try to be good yourself and try to be honest. Because people are now very wise. If people are given the right knowledge or advice then they will say who are you to give me knowledge?

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 last year 

আসলে আমরা প্রত্যেকটা মানুষ চেষ্টা করি,,নিজের মত করে বেঁচে থাকতে,,, নিজের মতো করে কিছু করতে। কিন্তু মাঝে মাঝে দেখা যায় আমাদের কাছের মানুষগুলোর কাছ থেকে,,,, আমরা এমন আচরণ পাই,,,, তারা আমাদের সাথে এমন দুর্ব্যবহার করে যে,,,, আমাদের নিজের উপর থেকে আস্থা বিশ্বাস সবকিছুই উঠে যায়।

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 last year 

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