9 products for a flat stomach.[↻70%]
Beans and peas contain vegetable protein, not allowing to leave muscle mass together with fats during the diet. Legumes for a long time saturate and help to reduce attacks of hunger. Try to add legumes as often as possible to your menu.HEAVY VEGETABLES OF CHEESE.
Like other low-fat dairy products, cheese promotes fat burning in the abdomen.OAT FLAKES.
If they are not subjected to heat treatment and do not add sugar, they help regulate the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood and help get rid of excess calories.OLIVE OIL.
Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and accelerates the burning of fats, besides inhibits the feeling of hunger. It contains many unsaturated fatty acids that translate cholesterol into light, soluble compounds, which are then removed from the body. Take an empty stomach on a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.SPINET AND BROKKLY.
In these products, a lot of vitamin C, which speeds up the metabolism and helps quickly get rid of fat deposits in the waist.BREAD FROM RYE FLOUR.
Bread from rye flour and wholemeal helps to digest food and prevents the appearance of new deposits in the abdomen and thighs.ALMOND NUTS.
They contain a lot of useful fats, which well satiate and reduce appetite. It is enough 15 - 20 almond unsalted nuts per day.Chicken eggs.
It helps to burn fat and build muscle. For breakfast, it is ideal to eat two boiled eggs.RASPBERRY.
This berry releases cells from fats, thanks to the high content of vitamin C and other vitamins. Suitable for both fresh and frozen berries.
American studies have also shown that fatty deposits on the stomach can be well controlled by using unsaturated fatty acids contained in olive oil, in fatty seafood and chicken meat. In addition, nothing so strengthens the abdominal muscles, like exercises with a hoop. If you twist the hoop for 15-20 minutes a day, then after a while the waist will decrease.
Chinese dieticians advise to lose weight on mineral water and rice. Thus, you can cleanse the body of toxins and get rid of excess weight.
Swedish dieticians advise to lose weight on products containing alkali - milk, fruits, buckwheat. They improve the metabolism.