Greenhouse filled with seeds 🌼🌺 Very happy and feeling very positive for the Summer

in #life5 years ago

Waking up seems to be getting harder each day, tiredness is in overdrive at the moment. I have to push myself out of bed, the weather isn't helping as its always dark when i wake up. I would be feeling different once the sun starts beaming through the window.

When i got up the weather was still dull but it was dry, making it a good time to fill the 3rd shelf of my greenhouse. I first checked over my other plants, i have a Yellow Rose bush outside my backdoor that is looking lovely, there are so many buds getting ready to open with a beautiful Rose that is already open showing me what's to come.

2020 Rose.jpg

I have 4 shelves in my greenhouse, 2 already filled, another filled today, i will be using the 4th shelf for storage as i can't get down there, the storage will be very handy on keeping the garden tidy. I filled another 45 pots with compost ready for more seeds to be planted. Today i planted:


I bought some seeds from Ebay but they didn't come with names and not sure which is which so called them Unknown 1, Unknown 2, Unknown 3. It will be a surprise to see what they are.

Green house last shelf.jpg

Now my greenhouse is full there isn't much more to do in the garden apart from watering and feeding. I also need to go through my seeds to see how many i have and if i need more to keep my garden blooming. I will check on my green house everyday to make sure everything is ok.

Greenhouse full.jpg

I was in the garden whilst hubby was cooking me a Beef dinner, hubby does all the cooking now so i can do a little gardening, if i was cooking the garden wouldn't get done with my health problems, i can't do both anymore plus he is getting to be a fab cook, he spends a lot of time getting it right, perfecting his roast potatoes etc.

I have a little more arranging to do in the garden, Nichola will have to help as the pots are to heavy for me and hubby, he has to be careful with his hernia, Nichola promised me she would help on the next sunny day. Once that is done i will be just about ready to start making room for us to sit out there and enjoy the garden just in time for the Summer.

I am just off to feed and water my plants, it can be a heavy long task as i have to use a watering can as the feed needs to be diluted. I take the hose pipe, watering can and feed around with me saving me from going to the tap and and back. It still stakes a while, it will be straight to bed after.


Summer i wish, but we have had extremely nice weather over here the past 6-7 weeks :)

Fill that greenhouse up!

Its filled, just wish they would hurry up and grow its been 3 days now and nothing. Im very impatient lol