SEC17 WK:#5: caring for aged and dependent relatives in the family

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah...

I truly the number that when last time steemkidsandparents selected then their engagement topic was Charity begins at home and now this is again a topic they have choosed related to caring of the family members especially those that becomes totally dependent on others due to their age or due to circumstances through which they pass. This is again one of the masterpiece in which I am going to participate.


Yes as I am 30 years old and my siblings are older than me so definitely by this you can understand that in my family I have a very close relation with those members that are not totally but dependent on me and on my other siblings and these are very nearest to me because these are my parents.

Bye Allah mercifulness, my father is a healthy man but he is older in his age but if I talk about my mother then she is a cardiac patient and around 4 years ago she also had a heart attack but it was of minor level and from that time still she is Mashallah safe and living a happy and healthy life and this is all because of care that me and my siblings gave to our mother and my father also and great thing is that both of them also have cooperative behaviour with us always.


My mother is around 60 years in her age and my father is around 65 years in his age but I am very grateful and thankful to Allah that still there are not totally dependent on us and they are healthy and they are able to do different task and reason is that me and my siblings always provide care to them by monitoring properly that what is their diet and what is their activity level and what daily task they are doing as well as we always try to counsel our parents in older age as counselling becomes much important than giving meditations to older people because they always need our attention in that age.

Definitely older age of my parents made them partially dependent on me and on my siblings but we are always happy to take care them and aging is part of life so there is nothing wrong if they are partially dependent on us and we are always happy to take care them and we always wants to see them happy healthy and alive with us.

I want to invite @waterjoe,@eliany,@msharif,@yancar to participate



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

greetings friend,
I am very glad to know that your parents are still well and are not dependent on you here. Still you brothers and sisters are serving and taking care of them together.

It is a very good thing that children should be such that after a certain age of parents it becomes their responsibility to provide enough services and meet all their needs.

Thanks a lot for sharing your nice publication with us. Wishing you all the very best. stay well

Keluarga yang sangat harmonis, walaupun umur sudah tidak muda lagi tetapi kalian masih berkumpul bersama, bendanya dengan beberapa orang lainnya kebanyakan di umur yang sudah tua mereka sibuk dengan keluarganya masing-masing

 last month 

My dear friend,
It is great to know that your father is healthy at this age, but your mother is a heart patient. And it is also a matter of great happiness that even at this age he is not dependent on you. I feel good thinking that even at this age, how safe children must feel when our parents remain under our protection.

Best of luck.


May Allah bless your parents always and give them long life etc. and give them a healthy life. They don't. They take care of themselves. Your mother is 60 years old and your father is 60 years old. You may also have siblings who still take care of your stuff, so we should take care of our children as much as possible because they nurtured us so much in our childhood and raised us up. They keep us in good schools, they teach us in good colleges, they give us admission in good universities, they work so hard for us. When we create life, we should express our life to them and give them a good and long life and take care of them.

Best Regards

 last month 

Brindales cuidado a esas personas de nuestro hogar que dejan de ser independientes a pasar a ser personas dependientes por diferentes razones y una de ella es la edad y junto con ella algunas enfermedades que se presentan, momentos dificilea para ustedes como familia amigo por lo que sucedio connsu madre pero quentodos estan alli para cuidar de ella y darles apoyo.

Una gran bendicion que sus padres a la edad que tienen sigan siendo personas independientes solo que por la edad ustedes se unen mas como familia y asi poder estar con ellos.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

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