My Interview With Independent Journalist Claire Connelly, Editor-In-Chief of Renegade Inc.

in #politics7 years ago

Claire Connelly is an amazing journalist out of Australia. In this 20-min interview I talk with her about how the economy we're all living through is working GREAT - and by "great" she means that it has been designed from the beginning to enrich the wealthy even more and crush all others. We also discuss the meaning of currency, the refugee crisis, and much more. I hope you'll get as much out of this interview as I did.
Keep Fighting,


After Nader lost in 2004, I lost all hope in the political system. After some philosophical digging, I realized that the reason this system is so screwed is because we were opted into it against our will. It's the political equivalent of tying two cats tails together and expecting a favorable result.

Decentralization is the last hope.

Decentralization is the last hope.

I'm learning about decentralization these days, and I must say, after all a.i. induced fear, decentralization gives me renewed hope for the future. I could totally see world switching governance to the blockchain in next 20 years, provided we don't suffocate or boil in meantime

@leecamp gets all my upvotes...been watching your show for years (pre RT) I can really support your show !!

Also never thought NPR would stoop to such levels w.r.t hit piece on Mr Camp.

I wrote a lot about the New Deal in my January series on sustainability for kids - it's SO refreshing to hear someone (thank you Claire) actually criticize the New Deal publicly! So much corporatism came out of the New Deal, including factory farms and the MIC. Great interview!

poor austrailia.
i first noticed that it had a problem when you allowed them to take your guns.
that's never a good sign.

Yep, they staged a massacre and blamed it on a Patsy. Then used it to take everyone's guns.

I needed to know about you ages ago!!!! Omg I need to figure things out. Sorry for being late on knowing all this shit. But at least I know now. Hoooly fuck....

I will give them credit that they seem to "get it" more than what you normally hear spewing from NPR. Most of what is coming off NPR sounds like a lot of young people still green behind the ears of the reality of the world we live in. I do take question with a couple of the issues brought up, one is the ability to just print money for whatever we want. That isn't quite accurate because you can print money to where it has no value. Bee's aren't dying off because of climate change verses the chemical used in agriculture to control insects and weeds and the increase of the number of people utilizing those same methods for those reasons in their own yards. Oil isn't the most devastating product known to mankind, that title would belong to religion. Yes it would seem to make logical sense that if we weren't supplying bombs and ammunition to initiate wars people wouldn't be fleeing their countries, but since it's religion not oil at the heart of the problems it wouldn't matter if we never bought another barrel of oil again from the middle east and left them to their own devices they'd still genocide one another over their religious beliefs. Most people might feel quite comfortable with that fact, let them do what they want to do but eventually whoever comes out on top will be able to buy the kind of munition(s) to spread their violence across other regions in quest of compliance to their holy one. I think what most people miss, and this is because they don't stop and look at the middle east and the many different fractions, is that the hatred runs deep, it's biblical, runs rampant and has done so way before the invention of oil. If someone actually took the time and tried to sort out all the many different differences in religions and how that makes them interact with themselves you would become increasingly depressed after the rationalization that's it's religion churning the hate, since religion isn't going to go anywhere along with each established different belief the answer to peace will never be found. Now we go on to his claims on the demands for oil and how it helps the economic wheels prosper. If there is a fault with something we'd all like to think we are not complicit in that fault but the truth is when it comes to the increasing demand for oil each and everyone of us are complicit when we demand or want cheap products. The further away from home a product is made that we buy the more we have contributed to climate change. (Though the climate change debate rattles on in many different perspectives of what creates it) Take for instance articles that have come out and said the gains we made toward reductions of CO2 in the atmosphere were lost when we initiated NAFTA. That put thousands of more trucks on the route daily increasing our CO2 output. You can google and read the stats. It's not just the added trucks either, it the corporations who have also fled to other countries for cheaper labor and less regulation on air quality to produce products. So unless people stop worrying about price and the cost of doing business with those who implement and pay to maintain the required regulations to reduce CO2 the guilty party isn't the oil companies, the guilty party is you expecting the oil companies to meet your demand in the deliver of cheap products, they actually produce less CO2 manufacturing a product then what is expelled out into the atmosphere on a combined total in a demand produced by one's demand for cheap products.

I love your energy! I love your attitude, and even your enthusiasm that comes from youth.

I point that out, as I am no longer young, and no longer quite as enthusiastic as I was. Frankly I envy you!

I wanted to provide you some information that you aren't getting from your media sources regarding AGW (anthropogenic global warming). CO2 doesn't drive temperature. If you look at the fossil record, CO2 lags temperature by about 800 years.

Furthermore, about 55MYA (million years ago) CO2 was about 6,000ppm. At the time, life was thriving on the planet. Our mammal ancestors were taking over the niches left by the extinction of the dinosaurs. Ever since then, CO2 has dropped steadily, until during the LGM (late glacial maximum) it bounced off ~190ppm.

Below 180ppm, plants begin to starve. You may know that plants breathe CO2 in, and breathe out O2, the reverse of what animals do. Without enough CO2 plants will die, and without plants, so will we.

The problem is that the neoliberals want to institute a global tax, and they have chosen a carbon tax. That is why we are taught that CO2 is a dangerous pollutant, when it is actually an essential nutrient that we barely have enough of.

The website WattsUpWithThat ( is a vibrant community of climate scientists. You can find numerous posts regarding the most advanced research in the field, both by scientists corrupted by government agencies (that control grant money, and thus the income of scientists) and independent researchers.

Do the research, and make up your own mind. Don't believe the lies and become useful to the neoliberals that want nothing more than to tax everyone on the planet.

You may feel I am a 'climate denier'. I don't deny climate changes at all.

I have researched it. I ask only that you verify or disprove what I have said in my comment for yourself.

Do the research, so you're not being used by our enemies to tax us even more, and make the rich richer.


He's a cool and handsome journalist, greate interviews.
Please upvote my post too.@steemitjean

Your action looks very good. Let's continue this way, you can go a long way

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